Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Courage To Exceed Ourselves
Michelle Beers The Courage to Exceed Ourselves If you give a child a book but do not teach them to read will the child understand the story? If only half of a lesson is presented to a child, the full picture is unattainable. There are many personality types and a varity of role models available to children today, to choose right from wrong is often difficult. In our society there are adults who are blind of the truth by choice, they take only the facts that are attractive to them and form a canon or belief that is not justified. Then, pass along their opinions to the children in their midst as if it were truth. Most religions, governments, and families are attempting to achieve, on a basic level, the same goal, but are using to many different approaches. This behavior can be observed throughout time in any country from daily family life to government policies, laws, and in the separation of religious beliefs or practices. For example: a child born to a Mormon family raised with heavy influence by the church could have easily been born into a Catholic family and raised within the influence of the Catholic beliefs. When the Mormon child grows to an adult and stands within their church, can a Catholic or any other person of different religious beliefs honestly chastize them for following and abiding by the standards of life they were taught? We instill fear of the world outside of the familiar into to our children from the day they are born. In every individual home there is a history to learn from. Often those histories are not all laid before the child. This creates only a partial picture for the child to learn values and make decisions from and with this try to understand the past that follows them to the future. We teach our children not to talk to stangers, to take a stand for what they believe in, and to be cautious of the unknown. Then we push them out into the unknown and hope they will find a way to imp... Free Essays on The Courage To Exceed Ourselves Free Essays on The Courage To Exceed Ourselves Michelle Beers The Courage to Exceed Ourselves If you give a child a book but do not teach them to read will the child understand the story? If only half of a lesson is presented to a child, the full picture is unattainable. There are many personality types and a varity of role models available to children today, to choose right from wrong is often difficult. In our society there are adults who are blind of the truth by choice, they take only the facts that are attractive to them and form a canon or belief that is not justified. Then, pass along their opinions to the children in their midst as if it were truth. Most religions, governments, and families are attempting to achieve, on a basic level, the same goal, but are using to many different approaches. This behavior can be observed throughout time in any country from daily family life to government policies, laws, and in the separation of religious beliefs or practices. For example: a child born to a Mormon family raised with heavy influence by the church could have easily been born into a Catholic family and raised within the influence of the Catholic beliefs. When the Mormon child grows to an adult and stands within their church, can a Catholic or any other person of different religious beliefs honestly chastize them for following and abiding by the standards of life they were taught? We instill fear of the world outside of the familiar into to our children from the day they are born. In every individual home there is a history to learn from. Often those histories are not all laid before the child. This creates only a partial picture for the child to learn values and make decisions from and with this try to understand the past that follows them to the future. We teach our children not to talk to stangers, to take a stand for what they believe in, and to be cautious of the unknown. Then we push them out into the unknown and hope they will find a way to imp...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Example English Sentences of the Verb Beat
Example English Sentences of the Verb Beat A good writer should march to the beat of a different drum, except marching to that beat represents a cliche, something all writers should avoid. In the preceding sentence, beat wore the trappings of a noun, but, like many words, its versatile enough to perform additional duties as a verb or adjective. We will concern ourselves with examples of beat as a verb in all of its tenses, including in the active, passive, conditional, and modal forms. All Forms of Beat Base Form beat / Past Simple beat / Past Participle beaten / Gerund beating Present Simple I often beat my friends at chess. Present Simple Passive Jack is usually beaten by Mary in poker. Present Continuous Johnson is beating Anderson in the boxing match. Present Continuous Passive Anderson is being beaten by Johnson in the boxing match. Present Perfect Peter has beaten me at least fifty times at chess. Present Perfect Passive Ive have been beaten at chess at least fifty times by Peter. Present Perfect Continuous None Past Simple Jennifer beat me last week. Past Simple Passive I was beaten by Jennifer last week. Past Continuous I was beating Peter in that game when you walked in the door. Past Continuous Passive Peter was being beaten when you walked in the door. Past Perfect Tom had beaten Jane at least ten times before Jane finally won a match. Past Perfect Passive Jane had been beaten by Tom at least time times before she finally won a match. Past Perfect Continuous None Future (will) I will beat you the next time we play. Future (will) Passive She will be beaten in the next match. Future (going to) Look! Jack is going to beat Mark. Future (going to) Passive Look! Mark is going to be beaten by Mark. Future Continuous This time next week, Ill be beating you in our rematch. Future Perfect By the time you read this, he will have been beaten by his opponent. Future Possibility I think she might beat Ralph in the next game. Real Conditional If she continues like this, she will beat her opponent. Unreal Conditional If she played better, she would beat Jack. Past Unreal Conditional If Peter had concentrated more, he would have beaten his opponent. Present Modal He should beat Mark. Past Modal They must have beaten their opponents. They are so much better at chess! Quiz: Conjugate With Beat Use the verb to beat to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct. Jennifer _____ me last week.Tom _____ Jane at least ten times before Jane finally won a match.Johnson ______ Anderson in the boxing match.If Peter had concentrated more, he _____ his opponent.Look! Mark _____ by Mark.Peter _____ me at least fifty times at chess.Jack _____ usually _____ by Mary in poker.I often _____ my friends at chess.By the time you read this, he ______ by his opponent. Quiz Answers beathad beatenis beatingwould have beatenis going to be beaten has beatenis beatenbeatwill have been beaten
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Computer Sciences and Information Technology. User Experience Essay
Computer Sciences and Information Technology. User Experience - Essay Example In this regards, the paper contains description and purpose of website development, the intended audience of the website along with weaknesses and strengths of the website in respect of their usage by diverse users. Some users may not agree that this website is easy to use and users have difficult experiences with its interface, this study looks at every element of interaction and usability factors (Cornell University Library, 2012). In order to get information regarding their experiences of using the website, the users are given a website usability form to be filled so that the website of the Phone4u can be evaluated. The paper presents the recommendations to the company for improving several aspects of the website to reach the targeted audience, trust development on the visitors and customers, moreover, guidance to increase the web traffic (Dumas, 2008, p37). The usability test is one of the essential steps in the evaluation of the user’s likeness and dislike-ness while usin g the Phone4u’s website. This will require acquisition of user opinions and to present analysis of the information to guide the decision on the areas of improvement. Since most of the features are observable qualitative attributes, this study will have to convert them into quantitative variables for ease of data analysis. 1.2. Background In the evaluation of the website, the focus is how to improve the usability by adding features that are more relevant and functional keeping in view the targeted audience of the website. This can be done by evaluating the website and improving the weaknesses indicating by the analysis. The amendments to the website of the Phone4u should be made as per the recommendations of the users (Valacich, Joey & Hoffer, 2009, p67). At the same time, it is important to consider the fact that some users do not welcome changes so easily and may prefer to remain in the previous version of the website rather than the new one with improved features (Kendall & Kendall 2011, p58). The evaluation will lead to the decision making for the new version of the website based on the information from user response. The statistics will be gathered as comments from various participants. The participants’ views reflect the present trend and the actual real world events that are of interest to this website. The study uses the structure of information flow as shown in the figure below, with the system the user and the feedback mechanism. Figure 1: Information Flow between System, Users and Feedback mechanism 1.3. Study Problem/Question This study seeks to answer one (1) major question having various sub parts. The first question is â€Å"Whether the website of the Phones4u is easy to use for the targeted audience of the website?†In order to have the answer of the first question of this study, the users have to answer the various questions as described by the Jokab Neilsen. The sub questions (parts) include: â€Å"the visibility of the s ystem, Match between system and the real world, User control and freedom, Consistency and standards, Error prevention, Recognition rather than recall, Flexibility and efficiency of use, Aesthetic and minimalist design, Help users recognize, Help and documentation, diagnose and recover from errors. Basically, these are the guidelines provided by the Jakob Neilson for evaluating the usability of the website†(Selvaraj, 2011). All these questions will be answered by the selected participants. 2. Aims The aim of this study is to explore the usability issues in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Failure of the Mercantilism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Failure of the Mercantilism - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the mercantilists believed that the presence of more gold and silver bullions in a country translated to a better economy than any country with minimal gold and silver reserves. The theorists believed and encouraged countries not to use their gold deposits for trade even when the people desperately needed these products. The mercantilists had the idea that any successful trade meant the gain of one party and the loss of the other party. They never viewed the trade between two countries as being mutually beneficial. They encouraged their countries to influence the international trade and ensure that the citizens did not compromise their gold and silver deposits.This essay stresses that the mercantilists developed ideas that were meant to promote the interests of the merchants since they were believed to be a significant source of a country’s gold and silver reserves. The government placed the role of attracting more gold and silver to the country to the merchants and also entrusted them with implementing relevant measures that would seek to regulate the economy. Malynes, for example, states that the merchants more specifically the bankers would develop appropriate measures that would see the increase in the supply of specie into the country. Malynes rejected any effects of the exchange rate in influencing external trade and trusted the â€Å"tricks of the bankers†to solve the economic problem experienced in the country.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Audrey Hepburn built her incredible acting talent out of her troubled upbringing Essay Example for Free
Audrey Hepburn built her incredible acting talent out of her troubled upbringing Essay Audrey Hepburn was born in 4th of May 1929 in Brussels, Belgium. She is an idol of elegance for all time. She spends her first years of school in London. However, because of the Nazi’s occupancy, she moved into Holland with her mother. She continued to conservatoire in Arnhem which is the city of Holland. After the war, Audrey started taking ballet classes. Her first show was in 1947 and its name is ‘High Buton Shoes.’ She became more famous with ‘Gigi’ movie. Also, she won Oscar with her ‘Roman Holiday’ movie. After a year, she acted in ‘Ondine with Mel Ferrer’. In this period, Hepburn and Ferrer started a relationship and they married in 1954. She gained Academy nomination with the ‘Sabrina’ movie in the same year. With the movie of ‘The Nun’s Story’, again she was nominated for the Academy award. In 1960, her first child Sean was born. She gained her fifth Academy nomination with the ‘Wait Until Dark’. However, in the same year, she got divorced. She made her second marriage with psychiatrist Andrea Dotti. They had a son which named as Luca. She acted in ‘Always’ in 1989. That is the last movie of her. After 1980 she started to work as a goodwill ambassador of Unicef. She died on 20 January 1993 in Swetland because of appendicular cancer. PsychologÄ ±cal Analysis Of Audrey Hepburn wÄ ±th the perspectÄ ±ve of Adler Audrey Hepburn was born in 4th of May 1929 in Brussels, Belgium. Her mother name is Baroness Ella van, Heemstra. As you can guess from ‘Barones’ title, she is from a noble family. From her first marriage, she has got two children, Ian and Alex. She made her second marriage with Joseph Victor Anthony Ruston, who is the father of Audrey. Audrey is the only child of this second marriage. Also, this marriage ended traumatically too because Audrey’s father left them in the 9th year of the marriage. When we look at the parental style of this famÄ ±ly, we can Ä ±nterpret Audrey as a neglected child. She lÄ ±ved wÄ ±th her father only for sÄ ±x years. When Audrey was sÄ ±x years old, Ruston left them. Audrey told that event as ‘I adored my father. When he left us, he commÄ ±ted us to lÄ ±fe-long Ä ±nsecurÄ ±ty’(15).However Ä ±t Ä ±s not the only reason to classÄ ±fÄ ±ed Audrey as a neglected chÄ ±ld. When we look at the these sÄ ±x years we see that Audrey and Ruston communÄ ±ctÄ ±on dÄ ±d not very wellà § Audrey was love her father very much and she was trying to show her talents to her father. Unfortunately, she could not get the results of thÄ ±s trÄ ±als. (12) AccordÄ ±ng to Adler’s theory the neglected chÄ ±ld can need to others Ä ±n the future to recognÄ ±tÄ ±on and nurturance (76). As we can guess thÄ ±s predÄ ±ctÄ ±on fÄ ±ts to Audrey because she was a famous actress and her need for recognÄ ±tÄ ±on can be satÄ ±sfÄ ±e d through her fans. Also, Audrey Ä ±nterpreted that she has a mÄ ±strust about compassÄ ±on and she always felt grateful to ones who showed compassÄ ±on to her. When we look at her mother Baroness Ella van Heemstra, we can observe the other characteristic of neglected chÄ ±ld: havÄ ±ng unsupportÄ ±ve parent. Her mother gÄ ±vÄ ±ng advÄ ±ce to her Ä ±n an dÄ ±fferent way whÄ ±ch Ä ±s: ‘ You should thÄ ±nk about always thÄ ±nk about others. You are not an Ä ±nterestÄ ±ng person. Other people are more Ä ±mportant than you.’ (12). In addÄ ±tÄ ±on to that, Audrey had an performance Ä ±n New York. At the end of the show, Ella van Heemstra congratulated her: ‘ You dÄ ±d a good job, especÄ ±ally when we consÄ ±der that you do not have any talent’. So when the whole world talks about Audrey show, Ella van Heemstra could not satÄ ±sfÄ ±ed wÄ ±th her daughter talent. When we contÄ ±nue to look at Audrey’s lÄ ±fe, Audrey started a boarding school in England.In the end of summer 1939, England started a war to Nazis. Audrey and her mother moved into Arnhem again. However, after a time Nazis occupied Arnhem too. Nazis try to provoke Holland against the England. To conceal herself, Audrey learned Dutch and change her name to ‘Edda van Heemstra’. At this time, they lose communication with Audrey’s brothers. After that Ella began to take part in the Holland resistance. Because of the occupy, Arnhem conservatoire open it’s door without a payment. Audrey started to take classes about music and dance in there. In 1944, an operation held to the Nazis. This operation failed and a request which is about leaving the city is asked from the civils. Audrey and her family left the city and they moved into Velp city.They had really very awful days in there. As we see, Audrey had terrÄ ±ble, traumatÄ ±c memorÄ ±es from the war days. So, how can she can stÄ ±ll contÄ ±nue and adapt to thÄ ±s lÄ ±fe? According to Adler, Individual Psychology understand and analyze the whole events from the perspective of soul’s goal.(Adler, 2017). For that period, when we look at the goal of Audrey, she stated: ‘My passion about dance suppressed the fear which is towards to Germans.’ So, we can say that her goal shaped her life and helped to cope with the problems. When we analyze more deeply, we can find some reasons about the choosing this goal.Audrey’s memories show that, when she was ten years old, she took part in her school performance. At the end of the show, everybody –including her mom- applauded her with enthusiasm. (18) . Audrey was very happy. Adler supports that, a child’s goal includes the desire of being protected and get into the society. (Adler, 2017). Also
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ecstasy :: essays papers
Ecstasy MDMA, or Ecstasy, was first made in a lab in Germany in 1912. The German pharmaceutical company E. Merck patented it in 1914, not as a medicine, but as a chemical for making more useful drugs later on. MDMA was forgotten until 1953, when the United States Army funded a secret University of Michigan study to develop chemical weapons. After learning that MDMA was non-toxic, the government put it back on the shelf. Rumor says that the drug was tested for mind control purposes, or as a â€Å"truth drug†, but there is not actual evidence of that. In 1978, Alexander Shulgin wrote a book detailing the MDMA experience called Phenethylamines I Have Known and Loved: A Chemical Love Story. Many psychiatrists took Shulgin's findings seriously enough to combine MDMA with sessions with their patients' normal therapy. In the early '80s, MDMA made its way from the doctor's office to the dance floor from a Texas entrepreneur who synthesized the drug in a lab. He re-named it "Ecstasy" and sold it for $20 a hitâ€â€legallyâ€â€in Dallas-Fort Worth clubs. But, the Drug Enforcement Agency worked quickly to outlaw MDMA, and Ecstasy officially became an illegal drug in 1985. What Ecstasy does is simple. It combines two opposite effects, stimulation and relaxation, but in also provides a small quality of empathy. Psychotherapist RD Laing took MDMA in Esalen, California, in 1984 when it was still legal. He said, "It made me feel how all of us would like to feel we are anyway . . . smooth and open hearted, not soggy, sentimental or stupid.†Another psychologist described it as providing a "brief, fleeting moment of sanity". Most people describe the feeling like being in love. The most common feelings experienced are empathy, openness, peace and caring. However, there have been cases in which the user has a decrease in defensiveness, fear or paranoia, sense of separation from others, aggression, and obsessive behavior. Side effects of Ecstasy can range from mildly uncomfortable to life threatening physical and emotional reactions. Your temperature goes up when you take Ecstasy, like a fever. Dancing in a hot warehouse doesn't help your body cool off, so it's no surprise that one of the most common Ecstasy-related injuries is heatstroke. Along with high body temperature, you sweat and urinate a lot if you take Ecstasy.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Halftime in America: Chrysler Commercial Essay
The Chrysler commercial during the 2012 Super Bowl was extremely well done. It stars Clint Eastwood delivering a muscularly optimistic message about Detroit and its auto industry. Clint talks about America and how it has been hurting due to the poor economy and the unemployment rate. He does this through an interesting allegory of football and halftime. Chrysler does well targeting a very broad audience of American auto consumers. This particular commercial uses a fear tactic through a lowly lit background and the unmistakable growl of Clint Eastwood to reach the target audience. Chrysler attempts to tug at the proverbial heart strings or emotions of the auto consumer by playing on the fears of people and their lack of faith in the American economy. Americans want to believe that America is great and will pick itself up from the dire straits it is in. This commercial does a good job at trying to light that patriotic fire. This commercial was definitely well thought out. At a cost of $3. 5 million per 30 second time slot (halftime in America was 2:00 minutes long) Chrysler spared no expense. The 2012 Super bowl had 111 million viewers, a calculated move no doubt (â€Å"Super Bowl Ads Cost Average Of $3. 5m†, 2012). Detroit has been a long standing icon of American ingenuity and manufacturing; Clint Eastwood is an American acting icon; so it is no surprise that Chrysler put the two together to make a commercial. Chrysler, being rooted in America is reaching for brand recognition though perceived â€Å"Americanism†. It is an effectively persuasive tactic, though tasteless in my opinion. I say this for the simple fact that auto industry is no longer bound by borders; it is a global industry where many â€Å"American†autos are made with parts manufactured overseas. â€Å"For the third straight year, Toyota Camry, a product of Japan’s largest automaker, is the â€Å"most American car,†as determined by Cars. com’s formula. Honda Accord, the flagship of Japan’s second largest automaker, is second. †(â€Å"Report: The Two ‘Most American’ Cars Are Japanese†, 2011). I elieve that although the commercial was well thought out and constructed, Chrysler is rather tasteless in its tactics and disguises the tastelessness very well. In general, Americans are a proud and patriotic people; playing on this is a clever way to sell cars. Using American icons to sell cars is clever. In short, Chrysler gets an A+ for resourcefulness and creativity, but gets an overall failing grade for the hanky-panky thrown in the consumers face to disguise their real motives.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Vark Assessment
Formal Paper: VARK Learning Style Baromie F. Koroma Grand Canyon University NRS-429V: Family Centered Health Promotion Professor: JenniferWood 03/03/13 1. It is known that every individual in a scholastic setting has a different way of comprehending or taking in information, an exercise that is symbolized by their exclusive learning style. With one realizing their own learning style will not only convey which courses or subjects they are competent at, however will also enlighten them of the greatest active way of learning and reading for the areas of any subject.In 1987, Neil Fleming designed the VARK learning style assessment which is a questionnaire that has questions that which answered by a person will lead to four scores that gives up to five study strategies which are: Visual, Aural, Reading/write, and Kinesthetic (Fleming,2011). The way in which these scores add up informs a person where they fall within the five areas of learning strategies which is crucial to the education o f every individual.This paper will elaborate in enormous fragment multimodal as the author took the VARK assessment and realized she is a multimodal learner. It will also compare and contrast preferred learning strategies with the VARK learning strategies and appraises any changes needed to improve study habits. The author use to think that she learn best from reading and writing of every bit of information, but after taking the VARK assessment she realized that she is a multimodal with scores of visual 6 , aural/auditory 4 , reading/write 9 and Kinesthetic 8.This means that the author requires two or more methods of learning to be an effective learner. Context approach learners and the whole sense approach learners are the two types of a multimodal learner. The context approach is used if an individual has 0ne, two or more solo preferences to learning and using those independently based on the situation (Learning Styles, 2013). An example of this will be the uthor is a visual and k inesthetic learner and she is learning hair braiding from a friend, she would not just stand there looking at the friend braiding someone else hair, but she would actually practice by doing one or more braids. The whole sense learner requires receiving information or instructions in a diverse ways in order to convince it all been received and understood correctly. For the whole sense learner, more time is needed to feel more poise in making decision.They have a tendency of having VARK scores of more than 30 without ultimate boundaries (Fleming, 2011) which is not the author style of multimodal learning. Even though the author learns in so many different was her learning choice is to read/write followed by hands on experience to know how something really works, in a proficient manner and the other strategies are used as bonus backing for my better learning. As a multimodal with a preference of read/write and kinesthetic, this author likes to read books including novels and textbook a nd do some research prior to attending any class.She takes class notes and rewrites them over and over, reread them continually, rewrite them into outline form and list them in orderly manner. The author also learn better with a list or outlined instructions to follow during a lecture and also like to study by herself in a quiet environment which has been very helpful during the past weeks with her online studies as she is not reliant on essentially hearing the lectures which would have permit her to be in a classroom for each and every lecture.The author also likes to make flashcards of terminology words to be known and a highlighter pen to underline key points on a textbook or flashcards. She also learns through corporal comfort, drawing images, sample test and making copies. An example of making copies will be printing out my class syllabus at the beginning of each class to avoid loging in to the classroom every time I vital information like assignment for the is needed. Neverthe less this author has a preference of read/write and kinesthetic, she also benefits from Aural and Visual learning style.Aural learns the data given when it is used in an audio way. Talking, listening and music are all methods that help an aural learner. They tend to learn better when they can hear instructions and voice the answers. This author uses this learning style by conversing with people about her topics and assignment to acquire a well understanding of it. A visual learner understands information well if they can see it. Their visualization abilities are tough and like to use charts, graphs and images.The author uses this learning style by underlying and printing out material in different colors that allows desirable data to stand out above data that is not relevant to what she is learning. The author’s preferred learning strategies and the VARK strategies in read/write and kinesthetic are actually similar. Visual and aural modalities are less often use by the author. The author is more comfortable in writing/studying and practice context using hands on (kinesthetic) technique. However, the author needs to comprehend the big image to have a clear understanding of the topic in place.Changes that would improve study behaviors from aural modality include using a tape recorder to place notes on and listen to it. From the visual modality, the author will Use materials such as, PowerPoint, Maps or videos to aid in remembering of data given. In conclusion, by knowing a preferred learning style one can use their own strong point to better process data, and organize their learning and communication and also create a more effective learning environment and make learning more efficient.Reference: APA Fleming, N. (2011). VARK, a guide to learning style. Retrieved from http://www. vark-learn. com/english/page. asp? p=multimodal N. A. (2013). Learning styles. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Learning_styles APA Citation N. A. (2013). Learning Sty les, Strategies And Teaching Methods. Anti Essays. Retrieved March 2, 2013, from the World Wide Web: http://www. antiessays. com/free-essays/34839. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Prepositions to Die With
Prepositions to Die With Prepositions to Die With Prepositions to Die With By Maeve Maddox A reader wonders about prepositions used with the verb to die: Just recently when a prominent politician passed away I saw and heard various reports that he had died FROM cancer, WITH cancer, and OF cancer. Do you have a view on which may be better? Preposition use is one of the most rapidly changing aspects of traditional English usage. For example, many speakers now say, â€Å"excited for†instead of â€Å"excited about,†and â€Å"alerted of†instead of â€Å"alerted to.†No doubt the usual prepositions used after the verb â€Å"to die†will suffer similar displacement, but at present, one dies of a specific disease or identified cause, and one dies from something that leads to death. Here are some examples of correct usage from the Web: die of Dozens Of Migrants Die Of Hypothermia On Italian Coast Guard Boats Can you die of a broken heart? 75,000 Nigerians die of cancer yearly 4 children die of poisoning in Guatemala die from Deaths from traffic accidents have dropped dramatically over the last 10 years. A schoolboy died from major internal injuries after falling off a bike. College Basketball Player May Have Died From Choking on Chewing Gum According to context, other prepositions may follow the verb to die: in: to die in comfort, in poverty with: to die with your boots on for: to die for a cause, for nothing through: to die through neglect, through abuse by: to die by the sword, by suicide, by a bullet Die may also be used without a prepositional phrase: to die a beggar to die a failure to die a felon to die wealthy to die happy to die a natural death to die many deaths (like cowards) An effective way to internalize traditional English prepositional use is to read widely in traditional English literature while one is young. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Grammar Test 1Running Amok or Running Amuck?40 Synonyms for Praise
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Recipe for Fake Blue or Green Blood
Recipe for Fake Blue or Green Blood ​This is a recipe for an edible fake blood which you can color blue or green for insects, spiders, and other arthropods, or perhaps for aliens. Spiders, mollusks, and several other arthropods have light blue blood because their blood contains the copper-based pigment, hemocyanin. Hemoglobin is red; hemocyanin is blue. Ingredients for Blue or Green Fake Blood This simple recipe only requires a few basic kitchen ingredients: Light corn syrupCorn starchBlue or green food coloring or unsweetened drink mix Make Fake Blood How much fake blood do you need? Pour that amount of corn syrup into a bowl.Stir in corn starch until you achieve the desired blood consistency. The blood will thicken as the water in the corn syrup evaporates, so if you are using the blood for a Halloween costume, for example, expect the blood to be thinnest when you first prepare it.Add food coloring to achieve the desired color. A variation of this recipe is to make a fake blood gravy, in which you heat the corn syrup to boiling and add a corn starch dissolved in a little water. This produces a translucent blood. If you cook the blood, be sure to wait until it has cooled before you use it. Make It Glow While spiders and mollusks dont have glowing blood, you might want a glow-in-the-dark effect for show. To get the fake blood to glow, stir in some phosphorescent powder (available online or in craft stores). Note the the original recipe is safe enough to eat. Glowing blood is non-toxic, but should not be ingested. Fake Blood Clean-Up This fake blood can be cleaned up using warm water. Since it contains food coloring, avoid getting it on surfaces which would stain, such as clothing or furniture.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Watson and Cricks 1952 paper in Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Watson and Cricks 1952 paper in Nature - Essay Example The copying mechanism is significant in forming many copies of DNA that contain the hereditary material. Essentially, the replication of the genetic material is important in the reproduction of the cells through meiosis and mitosis. The replication ensures that there is extra DNA for the multiplying cells to facilitate the daughter cells to reproduce (2011). Thus, the copying mechanism implies that the cells can make an exact replica of genetic material, and pass it to the other generations. The copying mechanism introduced the element of complementarity that is important in the replication of the DNA and subsequent transfer of genetic information from one generation to another. Fundamentally, reproduction of the cells depends on the ability of organisms to produce the exact replica of the genetic materials (2011). It is noteworthy that the replication of the two daughter molecules can sometimes have errors. Hence, the scientists should utilize the model of base pairing to examine the partial alteration of the
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