Thursday, September 3, 2020
Meaning of Life and Thanksgiving Essay Example for Free
Which means of Life and Thanksgiving Essay As the principal travelers showed up at Plymouth Rock and had a dining experience with the Indians, they shared a snapshot of thanks together. They expressed gratefulness for every one of their favors, in this way, making our flawless day of Thanksgiving. When Thanksgiving is thought of, the principal thing that strikes a chord is turkey and an abundant measure of food. Thanksgiving to me, is an ideal opportunity to be along with the ones you care about. Meeting up for a day to simply be with one another and to make up for lost time is the thing that Thanksgiving intends to me. Family ought to be with one another to share recollections and to understand the copious measure of gifts they have been given. Thanksgiving isn't just a day for glutting on food or falling into a food unconsciousness, yet chatting with one another and simply being happy to be with each other. Having family during Thanksgiving is a vital part in my life. Having the entirety of my family members in a single spot for one day to talk and mess around with them makes Thanksgiving additional exceptional for me. It is one of only a handful barely any days of the year that I get the opportunity to see everyone. The turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, pureed potatoes is only the what tops off an already good thing. Everyone in my family adores the food. We eat and eat until we cannot eat any longer. My family has a convention of playing soccer thereafter however that goes just so far because of our full stomachs. My cousins and I play an inviting round of poker, subsequently our bombed endeavors for soccer, for first dibs on dessert. After a decent round of poker, my cousins and I search for approaches to engage ourselves then the grown-ups talk about their lives and boast about their children. Society today makes Thanksgiving resemble a day just to eat. As society propels the significance of Thanksgiving crumbles into a common occasion. The significance of Thanksgiving appears to be outdated. I really accept that Thanksgiving ought to be invigorated in its significance and ought to be commended with family and love. As individuals meet up to share an exceptional day in our history, this ought to be a day which individuals won't underestimate.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Study on E-Commerce Essay Example
Study on E-Commerce Essay Possibilities of E-Commerce in India Shweta Sharma, Sugandha Mittal Management Department, Swami Devi Dayal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Barwala, Haryana, India Abstract E-Commerce has released one more upheaval, which is changing the manner in which organizations purchase and sell items and administrations. . Web based business represents electronic trade and relates to exchanging merchandise and ventures through the electronic medium. India is demonstrating colossal development in the Ecommerce. The minimal effort of the PC and the developing utilization of the Internet is one of purposes behind that. There is a developing mindfulness among the business network in India about the open doors offered by eCommerce. The future looks exceptionally splendid for internet business in India with even the stock trades coming web based giving an online stock portfolio and status with a brief postponement in costs. . In the following 3 to 5 years, India will have 30 to 70 million Internet clients which will rise to, if not outperform, a significant number of the created nations. 4800 crore online market in 2007-08. The movement entry MakeMyTrip. com has achieved Rs 1000 crores of turnovers which are around 20% of all out internet business advertise in India. Further a yearly development of 65% has been foreseen every year in the movement entrances alone. 3. Development of online business During the year 2000-2001, two significant Industry Associations created separate reports on web based business in India. One was set up by the National Committee on ECommerce set up the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), while the other was dispatched by the NASSCOM and arranged by the Boston Consulting Group. Both the reports are idealistic about the development of online business in India. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) report gauges the volume of internet business to develop to Rs 500 billion (US$ 10. billion) in the year 2003. The NASSCOM-BCG Report, then again, gauges for that year that the complete volume of internet business will be Rs 1,950 billion (US$ 41. 5 billion). Amul, a milk helpful, is effectively utilizing internet business to develop its image dedication. In like manner, corporate in the car division are improving thei r client relations thereby. A portion of the new names that are rediscovering internet business through new entryways at generally low capital expense, without investment financing include: Key 2 crorepati, Music Absolute, Gate 2 Biz. The minimal effort of the PC and the developing utilization of he Internet has demonstrated the huge development of Ecommerce in India, in the ongoing years. As per the Indian Ecommerce Report discharged by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International, â€Å" The all out online exchanges in India was Rs. 7080 crores (approx $1. 75 billion) in the year 20062007 and expected to develop by 30% to contact 9210 crores (approx $2. 15 billion) constantly 2007-2008. As indicated by a McKinsey-Nasscom report the online business exchanges in India are relied upon to reach $100 billion by the 2008. Despite the fact that, when contrasted with the western nations, India is still in is its underlying phase of improvement. We will compose a custom article test on Study on E-Commerce explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Study on E-Commerce explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Study on E-Commerce explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer E-Marketer gauges that online deals will dramatically increase by coming to $168. 7 billion of every 2011. piece of the pie is advancing toward Australia, India and particularly China. China’s portion of territorial B2C web based business will develop more than triple from 4. 1% in 2006 to 14. 3% by 2011. At the low end, South Korea’s B2C web based business deals 1. Presentation As an image of globalization and from multiple points of view its driving component, internet business speaks to the front line of achievement in this computerized age. Internet business represents electronic trade and relates to exchanging products and enterprises through the electronic medium, I. e. the Internet or telephone. On the Internet, it relates to a site, which sells items or administrations legitimately from the website utilizing a shopping basket or shopping crate framework and permits charge card installments. It includes directing business with the assistance of the electronic media, utilizing the data innovation, for example, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). In straightforward words, Electronic trade includes purchasing and selling of merchandise and enterprises over the World Wide Web. Clients can buy anything directly from a vehicle or a cake sitting serenely in his room and blessing it to somebody sitting miles separated just by snap of a mouse. 2. Extent of online business India is demonstrating enormous development in the Ecommerce. Opponent tradeindia. com has 700,000 enrolled purchasers and it has the development pace of 35% consistently which is probably going to twofold in the year 2010. Indiamart. com claims incomes of Rs. 38 crores and has a developing pace of 50 consistently. It gets around 500,000 enquiries for every month. Without a doubt, with the white collar class of 288 million individuals, internet shopping shows boundless potential in India. The land costs are contacting the sky. The movement entrances share in the online business added to half of Rs will develop by 13. 3% over a similar period. Somewhere in the range of 2006 and 2011, the total CAGR for the five nations will be 23. 3%. Online business in these business sectors will have grown up when customers begin purchasing progressively costly, high-contact classifications, for example, clothing, home decorations and adornments. 4. Status of web based business in India Today E-trade is a precept in Indian culture and it has become an essential piece of our day by day life. There are sites giving any number of merchandise and ventures. At that point there are those, which furnish a particular item alongside its unified administrations Multi-item online business These Indian E-trade entryways give products and ventures in an assortment of classifications. To give some examples: Apparel and adornments for people, Health and magnificence items , Books and magazines, Computers and peripherals, Vehicles, Software, Consumer hardware, Household apparatuses, Jewelry, Audio/video, diversion, merchandise, Gift articles, Real home and administrations Single-item web based business Some Indian entrances/sites bargain in a specific field, for instance: 1) Automobiles-On these locales we can purchase and sell fourwheelers and bikes, new just as trade-in vehicles, on the web. A portion of the administrations they give are: Car exploration and audits, Online assessment, Technical details, Vehicle Insurance, Vehicle Finance. ) Stocks and offers and web based business In India today, we can even arrangement in stocks and offers through internet business. A portion of the administrations offered to enrolled individuals are: Online purchasing/selling of stocks and offers, Market examination and exploration, Company data, Comparison of organizations, Res earch on Equity and Mutual Funds. 3) Real home and internet business They give data on new properties just as properties for resale. One can manage designer through advisor. United administrations: Housing Finance, Insurance organizations, Architects Interior Designers, NRI administrations, Packers Movers. ) Travel the travel industry and online business India has a rich history and legacy and internet business is instrumental, to a huge degree, in selling India as an item, reassuring Indians just as outsiders to see its multifaceted culture and magnificence. The traveler goal destinations are arranged by subjects like: Adventure trekking, hiking and so forth, Eco-Themes relates to wildernesses, widely varied vegetation. 5) Gifts and online business In the former days, one needed to arrange for what to blessing a friend or family member, walk across to your preferred shop, and peruse for a considerable length of time before buying a blessing. The blessings are sorted as: Collectibles like works of art and models, Luxury things like calfskin products, aromas, adornments boxes, and so forth, family unit doodads and floor coverings, and so forth, Toys games, Chocolates, Flowers, Woodcraft metal-make. Fig. 1 deals of chosen nations in Asia Pacific Online travel is the biggest web based business deals class in most significant nations. For a similar gathering of five nations, in addition to New Zealand, online relaxation and unmanaged business travel deals totaled about $17. 7 billion of every 2007 and are conjecture to ascend to $41. 7 billion by 2011. E-Marketer estimates that from 2006 to 2011 online travel deals will develop at a 24. % yearly rate, higher than the 23. 3% rate for B2C online business. This demonstrates travel is one of the key drivers of online business deals in the APAC area. Fig. 2 Graph of deals in chosen nations In China and India, online-travel spending drives B2C web based business deals, and it repre sents a dominant part of all out deals. Buyers are less careful about purchasing administrations like train or carrier tickets on the web, and merchants can dodge the coordinations and conveyance issues related with physical merchandise. Jeffrey Grau, senior expert at e Marketer, said that such inclinations underscore how online business in the district has an immense measure of development ahead. ) Hobbies and internet business The most famous interests from days of yore are perusing, music and movies. The books spread a wide scope of themes like Business, Art, Cookery, Engineering, Children’s Stories, Health, Medicine, Biographies, Horror, Home Garden, and so on 7) Matrimony and E-trade It is said that relationships are made in paradise, however in the realm of E-trade they are made on marriage gateways One can look for an appropriate match on their sites by locale of living arrangement (India or abroad), religion or position. Associated administrations for enlisted individuals: Astrological administrations, Information on Customs and Rituals, Legal issues, Health Beauty, Fashion Style, Wedding Planners. 8) Employment and internet business Two significant entrances like www. Monsterindia. com and www. naukri. com (which means work. com in Hindi) are instrumental in furnishing work searchers with reasonable work at the snap of a mouse. The administration for j
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Security Concerns and Policy Enforcement Patrician LLC
Question: Portray about the Security Concerns and Policy Enforcement for Patrician LLC. Answer: Situation: Patrician LLC is chipping away at creating remote transmission innovation. Presently the organization needs to move headquarter and operational unit to Tucson, Arizona and needs to move in the new structure in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The innovative work division of Patrician LLC is taking a shot at secure microburst innovation. The colleagues are not living in the Cheyenne, Wyoming. The organization is situated in two structures of three stories. The structure of the system association must be made to keep up the best possible association of 32 mbps throughput between the two structures. The server farm ought to be put on the third floor in the association of 100 PCs. The organization is separated into four significant sub-divisions which are named as home office or organization, deals or client service, innovative work, and data innovation. The individuals from the innovative work who are not living in the city can likewise have the option to associate with the essential server farm. The system configuration should take record server, outer deals server, corporate web servers, database web servers ought to be thought about. In this paper, we will prescribe the answer for convert the framework into remote a. Topology of the system: Topology of the VPN arrangement: Equipment Support for the system: Transmission Media: Twisted pair link and fiber optic link is utilized for arrange association Repeaters: Repeaters works by accepting the electronic signs. The subsequent stage is to clean the flag and retransmit the sign to the more elevated level. Center point: The different gadgets in the system are associated by utilizing the Hub with the assistance of the link. Switches: Different gadgets are associated with switch by utilizing the ports. Scaffolds: Bridges isolate the system into parts to deal with the traffic which helps in controlling the blockage. Switches: The specialized gadget which is utilized to associate two unique systems is known as Routers. The switches work by circulating the approaching information to its goal. Remote switches are utilized for giving: remote association. Portal: The interface which utilizes various conventions to associate the system is known as door. Modem: The balance and demodulation of the sign is done by Modem. a. Cabling Details: The medium is required for correspondence between gadgets. The medium is named metallic wires inside links, fiber optic link, and remote transmission. The topology graph gives the detail of cabling where it is required in the proposed organize. Physical Topology: The physical topology graph gives the away from perspective on the physical area of the ports, go-between gadgets, and establishment of the link. The genuine cabling and transmission of information is spoken to however the physical topology. It speaks to the physical design of the system. Consistent Topology: The coherent topology gives the detail perspective on gadgets, IP address plan and ports. Legitimate topology gives the detail perspective on correspondence between the gadgets set on the PC organize. This topology additionally contained the system conventions which gives the away from perspective on development or stream of the information. Sort of Connection for 32 Mbps association Wired neighborhood is totally supplanted by the remote innovation. The remote radio recurrence correspondence helps in interfacing the innovative work branch of Patrician LLC with headquarter for trading important data. For the achievement of the task, the dependability ought to be kept up fundamental database of the workplace. Remote sensor innovations are ought to be applied inside the firm to furnish solid association with the standard of the association of Patrician LLC. The Proposed arrangement depends on the standards of open air remote systems administration advances. It causes in giving connects to the examination office individuals with the essential server farm of the association which is situated in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It helps in giving the 32 mbps of the throughput and the information can be traded quicker between the hubs. The staff of the principle office can share assets among themselves. It is better than the customary system since it furnish availability with the ind ividuals who are sited a ways off from the primary office. For giving association between two structures which are 1000 miles separated includes the arrangement of scaffolds, passageway, switches, and incorporated directional reception apparatuses. Wiring Closet The fundamental office and the innovative work office are associated remotely. The usage of the remote systems administration includes the position of extensions, passageway, switches, and incorporated directional reception apparatuses. Each hub ought to have pertinent separation between them With the assistance of sign quality indicator, the ideal situation of the remote gadgets can be estimated. The position of the mechanical cameras which have the capacity of TCP/IP ought to be set on the highest point of remote gadgets to adjust the course of the recieving wires. The types of gear which are expected to associate the two structures are Alarm framework, Ethernet switch, fix boards, and remote passageways. These supplies are put at the highest point of the structure. There will be one wiring storage room on each floor of the structure. Remote Technologies: The proposed answer for Patrician LLC issue of changing over the framework into remote innovation is IEEE remote radio recurrence correspondence standard. It gives correspondence between the hubs regardless of whether they are broadly spread. The sign can be sent in products of time to give comparative data to each site. Each hub is equipped for imparting and getting signs. This arrangement helps in beating the physical imperatives which comes in the trading of message over the system. VPN Setup for the servers: Remote access VPN: This aides in interfacing client with the corporate private system. The scrambled associations are kept up between the clients and the private system. Intranet VPN: The association between the branch workplaces can be actualized by intranet VPN. This makes conceivable LAN to LAN association into single system. Extranet VPN: This will give association among innovative work office with the essential server farm. Sensible safety efforts: Web Protocol Security: IPSec helps in making sure about the exchange of data between the layers of OSI. It gives the office of confirmation, uprightness of information, and encryption administrations for altering the information. Validation header and epitomized security payload are the piece of the security system of IPSec. The reason for the validation header convention is to give verification of the source and IP bundle trustworthiness. The header of the confirmation header convention contains the data, for example, hash estimation of the information and arrangement number. Exemplified security payloads give classification to information, information protection, verification to the source and correspondence between the friends. Symmetric encryption calculations are utilized for giving information protection in typified security payload. Point to point burrowing convention: It is utilized by the remote client to get to the virtual private system of the association. The PPP meeting is kept up by utilizing the non TCP/IP convention. The PPTP utilizes conventions named as extensible confirmation convention, Handshake validation convention, secret key verification convention, and point to point encryption convention. Layer 2 burrowing convention: L2TP is utilized for typifying the point to point convention. It is utilized for sending of the casing over the system. By utilizing this convention, one passage is fit for different associations. Safety efforts to stop aggressors: Programmers watch out for the customer machine to assume the responsibility for the machine. The Man in the center is centered around changing the data sent between the conveying gadgets. The firewalls ought to be utilized to fortify the VPN association. The interruption location and counteraction framework ought to be prescribed to build the effectiveness of observing the framework. Establishment and refreshing of hostile to infection ought to be done intermittently. Without validation VPN association ought not be set up. Advanced affirmation backing ought to be given to validation into virtual private system. Transport layer security and secure attachment layer are the cryptographic conventions which are utilized for giving security to the correspondence and information move on the web. For guaranteeing the security to the transmission of information, Leak location and avoidance, data spill anticipation, and substance checking and separating are utilized. The assault of infection c an be halted by introducing the antivirus program on every PC framework, utilization of firewalls, segregation from the influenced drives, examining of the framework normally, and refreshing of the infection definition. Infiltration testing can be utilized to discover the vulnerabilities. It ought to be utilized normally for inner and outside reviews. Physical Security VPN center point and Spoke topology: In this topology VPN switches are known as spokes which discuss safely with the essential server farm of the association. A made sure about passage is kept up among talked and the center point. For the situation investigation of patrician LLC, the four offices are associated with the essential server farm so the VPN passage ought to be kept up between the divisions and the server farm. By utilizing this topology, the staff part can get to the essential server farm of the principle office. VPN Mesh topology: The correspondence can be safely done by utilizing the VPN switch among the various hubs. The sign can be sent in products of time to give comparable data to each site. The VPN work topology is significant for associating four unique divisions of the association. The organization is isolated I
Homelessness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Vagrancy - Essay Example They additionally guarantee that there is ‘tertiary homelessness’, which alludes to individuals living in boarding lodging on a drawn out premise without security of residency or selective utilization of restroom or kitchen offices. Smith (2005) likewise guarantees that numerous vagrants are ‘hidden’ from legitimate government insights, for example individuals dozing on the lounge chair in companions houses. In any case, Heintjes (2005) contends that characterizing ‘hidden homelessness’ as a type of vagrancy extends the idea to such a degree, that it loses its unmistakable worth, and he addresses in the case of characterizing it along these lines is a helpful idea by any means. Carlen (1996) states that adjustments in the law, monetary conditions, and social and political belief system add to vagrancy. Carlen (1996) additionally guarantees that vagrancy and the destitute are twentieth Century creations, in which governments endeavor to classify it so as to attempt to handle the issue. Starting here of view, Marxist geographers including Harvey (2005) contend that vagrancy can in certain parts be added to the disparity that exists in industrialist social orders, wherein there will consistently be ‘winners’, for example the bourgeoisie, and washouts, for example working class. This regularly leads in low wages and joblessness for the least fortunate citizenry, for example the wheels are free enterprise lead to neediness, and subsequently vagrancy. It is thusly the conviction of Marxist geographers that as long as free enterprise exists, so to will destitution, joblessness and vagrancy. The Homeless Link Report (2011), an accomplice organization which worked with the UK Government’s ‘No One Left Out’ harsh resting technique intended to examine what number of individuals dozed unpleasant on a solitary night in England. They educated chambers to submit evaluations of the quantity of individuals dozing harsh in the city of their territory and found an expansion by 42% from 1,247 of every 2009 to 1,768 out of 2010. London had the most elevated number of unpleasant sleepers on any normal night with around 415. The report likewise found that a scope of segment factors significantly affect the likelihood somebody will get destitute. It is the motivation behind the rest of this article to investigate and distinguish the socio-demographical factors that improve the probability of an individual getting destitute, and whether satisfactory arrangements can forestall expanded and future vagrancy. Quilgars and Anderson (1997) guarantee that youngsters are bound to encounter vagrancy than some other age gathering and they found that youngsters matured 16-24 are extensively over-spoke to in destitute figures, representing 30% of vagrants. A scope of social and monetary basic variables are accepted to have added to the ascent in youth vagrancy including changes to lodging strategy, the w ork advertise and the advantage framework. Evans (1996) additionally contends that youngsters may have little help and are not ready for venturing out from home and are in this manner at the most serious danger of getting destitute. Expanding youth joblessness, joined with decreased access and gracefully of social lodging have likewise essentially expanded youth vagrancy. Carlen (1996) additionally accepts there is a connection between youth vagrancy and neighborhood authority care, in which she discovered 40% of youthful vagrants have at once in their life been in care. This additionally recommends vagrancy could be the impact of an unpleasant childhood, with little family backing or relations. Along these lines when youngsters leave care at 18 years old, they have no
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Make Your Blog Pay for Your Sweat Equity
Instructions to Make Your Blog Pay for Your Sweat Equity At the point when I started blogging in 2009, I never figured it would turn into a significant pay stream that would extraordinarily upgrade my composing business. Like most â€Å"serious†journalists, I saw blogging basically as a necessary chore. It was a road to assemble a stage and intrigue potential distributers and specialists for future activities. Also, everyone was doing it†¦ Quick forward, it’s 2013. What's more, my blog for essayists has taken care of large in return for more than 400 posts, unlimited long stretches of inventiveness, and beating the virtual asphalt to get took note. What's more, yours can as well. Advancement your blog mist and gain cash for your venture. Be that as it may, before you start actualizing these lucrative systems, your blog must meet certain rules for ideal achievement. 1. It must be proficient in substance and structure, with a particular specialty and a plainly recognizable objective crowd. 2. It must give social verification. Achievement breeds achievement. This can be shown through tributes from fulfilled customers, the quantity of supporters you have, or symbols reflecting honors your blog has won or industry acknowledgment. For instance, in an exceptionally conspicuous spot on my website, I show my â€Å"Best of the Web†assignment, and my’s acknowledgment for â€Å"Awesome Blogs†. 3. It must show steady updates and support. This passes on a feeling of responsibility, and constructs validity and trust. 4. It must give great remove esteem.  Now let’s take a gander at your lucrative methodologies: Advertisement Placement: There is a typical confusion that so as to bring in cash through promotions, a blogger must have â€Å"super-starâ€Å" status, an enormous after, or be eager to make due with a couple of bucks a month in promotion clicks. False. In the course of the most recent couple of years, I have earned a huge number of dollars, and have had notable organizations and writers, for example, Good Earth Tea, Healing Hands Massage Clinic, Five Star Publications, and author Randy Richardson place advertisements for their books and administrations at my spot. In the event that you’d like to encounter something comparative, you can either pitch people or associations straightforwardly, or place a tab on your site that says â€Å"advertise here†. Make certain to have your current details accessible, and have the option to clarify how setting a promotion with you can assist publicists with reaching their objectives and their objective market. As it were, what†™s in it for them? Blogging Jobs: Using my blog as an oline continue has helped me to snare new customers for my secret writing, showcasing, and other inventive administrations. Through it and tributes, I have been employed to set up other writers’ web journals, give imaginative conferences, and even add to digital book ventures. Challenges and Competitions: Most individuals don’t consider challenges to be a method of bringing in cash through their online journals. Be that as it may, it is. Cash can be made both straightforwardly and in a roundabout way. For instance, a critical point in my blogging profession came years prior when I set as a Top 10 Finalist at Write to Done’s yearly rivalry. In spite of the fact that I didn’t get a fiscal blessing, it gave me frantic innovative props with blogging peers, and my first paying sponsor. A companion of mine really won $500 with her blog, through a subject based challenge. It could transpire! Blogging is a great deal of difficult work. Follow these convenient tips to get a more noteworthy profit for your perspiration value, with less experimentation.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
The Invention of Our Discontent
The Invention of Our Discontent Let me tell you about the monster who rides on my shoulders. I cant see him, but I know he is there. I sense that he is covered in mauve shag-carpet, has overly goggly eyes, and a gaping black maw with a felt tongue inside. I also sense that his name is Howard, but I could be wrong. Howard is always on my back wherever I go, helpfully pointing out reasons I have to be unhappy and offering advice on things or experiences I could buy to make me happy again. I used to listen to Howard like a student at the feet of a trusted guru. Back in 2008 before I moved to Austin, Texas, I took out a small loan to consolidate all my credit card debt into one payment with the intention of immediately chopping up all my credit cards and never buying anything on credit again. Once I was in Austin though I started to feel sad and lonely. Howard told me I would feel happy again if I spent $1,500 on a Panasonic mini DV camera, a three-point light kit, and a boom mic. On credit, of course. I made a short film, and it wasnt very good. I was sad again. Howard told me what I really needed was an Appaloosa. So I pawned the brand new camera and bought a surly spotted horse who wasnt even broke to ride. I cant lie. Captain did bring me happiness for a while. He did stave off the loneliness. Buta hamster probably would have sufficed. Do you know how much it costs to feed a horse? By April 2010, I had to sell Captain just to pay the rent for one month. As I watched Captains new family drive off into the sunset with him, I started to wonder if Howard had ever really had my best interests at heart. I became more consciously aware of the things Howard was whispering in my ear. I started to think that maybe Howard was just making stuff up. Making up stuff for me to be unhappy about, and making up ludicrous, unrelated solutions for these perceived woes. Does any of this sound familiar? If youre a human being, then Im guessing it does. Howard is a member of a prolific, parasitic species which infects most of the Western World. The common name for this monstrous species is Discontentment. These monsters attach themselves to us very early in our lives. Even before we can speak, theyve begun spinning their lies in our ears. You dont have enough. You are not enough. You need to own more. Do more. Be more. Lets go shopping. Lets get wasted. Lets get laid. Youll be happy in the morning. I promise. Yet the promises never materialize. Whatever warm, fuzzy feelings you gain from the acquired object or experience fizzle out once the monster gets bored. The whispers start anew. Try something else. I bet a 62 inch TV would make you happy. But enough about how lousy Howard and his family make us feel. Lets talk about how to shut them up and shove them off our shoulders. Its easier than it feels. Heres why: Monsters dont exist. We cant be controlled by something that isnt even real. Thats just silly! Weve been conditioned to believe that Discontent is a natural human state, or even a necessary factor in human progress. This, I believe, is a manufactured lie to keep us in need of things we never actually needed. In our lives, we will experience discomfort. We will experience disasters. These are real and unavoidable parts of our existence. They teach us lessons and help us evolve, even when they hurt. Discontent is a different beast. It offers us nothing we can truly use. It is a false promise of fulfillment around the next corner. Then the next and the next and the next until we find ourselves standing on a ledge with no more corners to turn. But again, the good news: Its not real. Its not natural. It is not inevitable. You can debug your thought code. The concept of enough is built into the earth. She provides everything we need. You dont see discontent in the animal kingdom. Wild animals never take more than they need to survive. A healthy wolf that has just eaten will not kill again just because he can, just to prove how powerful or sexy or cool he is. If we would only follow in their footsteps, embrace the enough given to us by the earth, and accept that this is all we truly needâ€"food, water, freedom, companionshipâ€"then we have a standard against which to measure the lies of Discontentment being whispered in our ears, and we gain the sanity to recognize them for what they are. Then we can look Howard in the eye and say, I cant listen to you because you dont exist. We usually have to repeat this a few times in a few different situations before Howard gets the point. Sometimes the nonsense they tell us will just be too appealing to resist. We might experience a lapse. Dont be discouraged; this happens to all of us. Were fighting hundreds of years of conditioning to be unhappy with our lot in life. But we can overcome it. With enough time and practice, we can wake up one day with a lightness on our shoulders we didnt know could exist. Howard has left the building. We can roll our shoulders, let out a big sigh of relief, look around at our lives and say, Enough. Chase Nights new book is Chicken. Follow him on Twitter.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Study Reveals Parents Could Have Saved $20,000 More for College
Fidelity Investments' launched their 10thï ¿ ½Annualï ¿ ½College Savings Indicator Study. The study finds that looking back, more than half of parents admit they could have saved more for college each month. Just how much more? You may be surprised - Overall, this year's study finds many promising strides in college savings since the first survey in 2007.ï ¿ ½ Highlights from the 10thï ¿ ½Annual College Savings Indicator Study include: Positive progress report:ï ¿ ½The number of parents saving for college is at an all-time high.ï ¿ ½Nearly three-in-four parents have started savingï ¿ ½andï ¿ ½41 percent are investing in 529 plans. Citing their own experiences managing student loan debt after graduation, parents plan to spare their kids by footing even more of the bill. ...But there's still room to earn a better grade:ï ¿ ½Although we've seen an increase in saving, on average, parents are still only on track to reachï ¿ ½less than a third of their college funding goal (29%)ï ¿ ½by the time their child heads to campus. A little extra credit that could go a long way:ï ¿ ½ We asked parents with kids in 10thï ¿ ½grade and higher if, looking back, they could have saved more each month ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½a full 50 percent said they could have saved at least $50 or more a month.ï ¿ ½Did you know those extra $50 have the potential to accumulate to nearly $20,000 over 18 years? For more information, check out ourï ¿ ½infographic below andï ¿ ½executive summary , which further dig into this year's findings. RELATED: The magic number for college savings Fidelity Investments' launched their 10thï ¿ ½Annualï ¿ ½College Savings Indicator Study. The study finds that looking back, more than half of parents admit they could have saved more for college each month. Just how much more? You may be surprised - Overall, this year's study finds many promising strides in college savings since the first survey in 2007.ï ¿ ½ Highlights from the 10thï ¿ ½Annual College Savings Indicator Study include: Positive progress report:ï ¿ ½The number of parents saving for college is at an all-time high.ï ¿ ½Nearly three-in-four parents have started savingï ¿ ½andï ¿ ½41 percent are investing in 529 plans. Citing their own experiences managing student loan debt after graduation, parents plan to spare their kids by footing even more of the bill. ...But there's still room to earn a better grade:ï ¿ ½Although we've seen an increase in saving, on average, parents are still only on track to reachï ¿ ½less than a third of their college funding goal (29%)ï ¿ ½by the time their child heads to campus. A little extra credit that could go a long way:ï ¿ ½ We asked parents with kids in 10thï ¿ ½grade and higher if, looking back, they could have saved more each month ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½a full 50 percent said they could have saved at least $50 or more a month.ï ¿ ½Did you know those extra $50 have the potential to accumulate to nearly $20,000 over 18 years? For more information, check out ourï ¿ ½infographic below andï ¿ ½executive summary , which further dig into this year's findings. RELATED: The magic number for college savings
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Nebulized Furosemide
COPD is noted as being the fourth leading cause of mortality in the United States. Mortality is expected to increase among COPD patients despite advances in its management. As exacerbations and hospitalizations characterize a key driver of the cost and morbidity of COPD, significance should be placed on interventions aimed at delaying the advancement of disease, inhibiting exacerbations, and reducing the risk of co-morbidities. Treatment for COPD has been at of a standstill in recent years. Beta2 antagonists, corticosteroids, and theophylline have been at the helm. However, nebulized furosemide has pushed its way from the background into the forefront recently. A major cause of disability and anxiety, dyspnea is the most prominent†¦show more content†¦Assuming that inhaled furosemide alleviates dyspnea principally through vagal mechanisms, it should be a possible treatment for dyspnea. (Insert Introduction) Overview of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Although not curable, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a familiar, treatable, but avoidable disease that is still a huge health problem in the United States. According to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, â€Å"COPD is the fourth leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in the United States and is projected to rank fifth in 2020 as a worldwide problem according to a study published by the World Bank/World Health Organization.†1 Mortality from COPD is also expected to increase despite medical advances in the treatment of the disease. Small airway disease found in chronic bronchitis, and parenchymal destruction found in emphysema contribute the chronic airflow limitation experienced by COPD patients. COPD reduces the sensory conduits maintaining both respiratory and cardiovascular systems.2 The sensory receptors that might play a substantial role in autonomic dysfunction in COPD patients are metabolic and pulmonary stretch receptors; central and peripheral chemoreceptors; cold receptors; arterial and cardiac baroreceptors; bronchopulmonary C-fibers; arterial chemoreceptors; four to five different types of airway receptors innervated by the vagus; slowly adapting stretch receptors
Monday, May 18, 2020
Adolf Hitler And Joseph Stalin - 1872 Words
The world is divided into two, the light and the dark. The exact definition of good and evil is up for debate, but there are situations that are well known for being personifications of good and evil. For example, George Washington, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln are prime examples of the goodness in society. There are, however, prime examples of the evil in the world personified a few men. Examples of these men are Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Both of these guys are known as evil men who rose from humble beginnings to forever infamy for their misuse and practical terror in power usage. Adolf Hitler is a well known name. Often used to represent the personification of evil, this man with the swastika has more to him than meets†¦show more content†¦This led to even more psychological damage to ensue. Hitler by this point had lived life to see only misery, loss of family, and failure at almost every turn. Things, however, were about to become interesting for the soon to be leader of the Nazis. After World War One, otherwise known as the â€Å"Great War,†Germany was in a time of crisis and political instability. Because Germany lost the war, the treaty of Versailles forced Germany to not only be responsible for their own reprimands, but everyone who participated in the war (mainly repay France.) Germany was also humiliated by losing most of their army and territories due to this treaty. In addition, to add to the economic crisis of Germany, according to â€Å"In 1929, the American Stock Exchange collapsed, and caused an economic depression. America called in all its foreign loans, which destroyed Weimar Germany. Unemployment in Germany rose to 6 million.†Hitler had become very interested in politics. He joined the â€Å"a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party,†otherwise known as the Nazi party. At first, Hitler had little more than an anti-semitic attitude and a great speaking capability. Hitler tried to just start a revolution in the streets at first. This attempt was halted by the remainingShow MoreRelatedAdolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin1033 Words  | 5 PagesAdolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are two of the most sadistic dictators of the past century. They both reigned terror in Europe during World War II. Fueled by rage and anger, Hitler and Stalin rose to power and exploited their beliefs throughout Germany and Russia. Stalin turned Russia into a Communist country while Hitler was turning Germany against Jews. The leadership of these dictators brought death and fear to many who opposed them. Hitler and Stalin both shared deprived childhoods, vicious fathersRead MoreAdolf Hitler And Joseph Stalin1314 Words  | 6 Pagesdictators who stand out, Hitler and Stalin. Hitler was a dictator in Germany and brought death too many people who he did not considered pure blood. Sta lin was a Soviet Union dictator, who killed many peasants. Stalin and Hitler’s history is different from each other. At one point history make them alike. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were different men, from different countries, enemies that had the same goal, and become powerful leaders of their country Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889Read MoreThe Battle Of Adolf Hitler And Joseph Stalin1917 Words  | 8 PagesStalingrad. The German sixth Army, fourth Panzer Division, and its supporting allies had been attacking Soviet forces in and around Stalingrad since August 1942. Many historians think Adolf Hitler viewed a win in Stalingrad as a political and symbolic defeat of the Soviets. During a meeting with Joseph Stalin in September 1942, Generals Vasilevsky, and Zhukov noted that the German sixth Army and the fourth Panzer Division flanks were thin and poorly equipped. The Generals came up with a pincerRead MoreThe Strengths And Weaknesses Of Joseph Stalin And Adolf Hitler Essay1855 Words  | 8 Pagesthis paper is to explain the strengths and weaknesses of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler with regards to their respective leadership styles and their interaction with their subordinates. I will analyze each leader’s qualities and then compare them to one another as I close out this document. This paper will rely extensively on knowledge gained through reading of two sources of documentation. The first document from Seweryn Bialer called â€Å"Stalin and His Generals†and the second document is from AlbertRead MoreComparing The Way Of Adolf Hitler, A Fascist Dictator, And Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin1629 Words  | 7 PagesTo analyze the differences in the way Adolf Hitler, a fascist dictator, and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, a communist dictator, controlled their countries and made political decisions, we have to learn what Fascism and Communism are. We must also look at how Hitler and Stalin came to power, as well as how they controlled their government. Starting with Fascism, it is basically when the state is the supreme power. Nothing gives orders above the state, and the state gives all orders. It is a strongRead More Comparing Dictators Adolf Hitler versus Benito Mussolini versus Joseph Stalin1660 Words  | 7 PagesThis es say will compare the three leaders who are famous for their dictatorship and totalitarianism during the 30s decade-Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin. Totalitarianism is when a government gains absolute and total control over the country, including the freedom of thought and will as well as the citizen?s lifestyle, no other political parties are allowed and has the concept where the country is most important. The difference and similarity between their ideology, usage of propagandaRead MoreComparing Adolf Stalin And Adolf Hitler And Hitler843 Words  | 4 PagesAdolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are 2 notoriously known people in world history. Both Stalin and Hitler are known for the great number of deaths they have caused. Although both men have totally different reasons on why they killed so many people their ways of leadership are somewhat alike. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin both use propaganda as a technique to get people to support them. Using propaganda shows the public what they want to hear and see, even if it’s not true they use this method to trickRead MoreEssay on A Comparison of Hitler and Stalin1126 Words  | 5 PagesA Comparison of Hitler and Stalin Angelica Calvillo HIS 306: Twentieth-Century Europe April 26, 2010 Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union are two controversial regimes. Hitler and Stalin were both Dictators of the countries they ruled. When Hitler and Stalin are compared, we can clearly see that each one of them were cold blooded killers. They are both responsible for an absurd amount of innocent deaths. Hitler is believed to be responsible for killing at leastRead MorePolitical Ideologies During The Twentieth Century1310 Words  | 6 PagesDuring the period leading up to World War II, there were two men who were on opposing sides; the men were Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin. These men were each triumphant in their rise to power in their countries and they were very comparable in the ways that they succeeded. Their success was mostly attributed to their new ideas and their politics. As well, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, two of the greatest dictators in world history demonstrated differences in ideology and the way they rise to powerRead More Postion Paper: Who Was More Carzed Stalin Or Hitler1586 Words  | 7 PagesCrazed: Stalin or Hitler? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The obviously more crazed man was Joseph Stalin. Stalin was more crazed because over his time and rule, he killed millions upon millions more people that Hitler. Joseph Stalin is also more crazed because he did not kill other people he was racist against, but simply because he wanted to kill. The book Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives, states quot; Adolf Hitlers actions can not even be compared to the monstrous actions of Joseph Stalinquot;
Monday, May 11, 2020
Emotion Destination Internet - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 23 Words: 6865 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Measuring Emotion from Holiday Destination Homepages: An Australian Context Chapter 1: Introduction Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Emotion Destination Internet" essay for you Create order As use of the Internet has spread widely into our society, cyberspace has become an important part of our daily life (Hefley and Morris, 1995). According to a recent survey on Internet usage in the Australia, 56% of the total population used the Internet in the year 2006, and that percentage increases to 63% in the year 2007 (GMID, 2008).The maturation of Internet has led to a rapid development in a variety of destination offerings, services, and information quality, which have increased the ease of use, usefulness, security, and playfulness of websites (Gretzel, Yuan, Fesenmaier, 2000; Hanna Millar, 1997; Marcussen, 1997; WTO Business Council, 1999). To enhance the shopping and browsing experience, differentiate between tourism websites, and further increase online sales, destination marketers continue to offer improved website features (Hess, 2005; Lohse et al., 2000). Research supports the influence of destination homepages features on consumer experiences and their resulting effects on consumer attitude towards a website (Cano Prentice, 1998; Gretzel et a1., 2000; Klein, 1998). Offering a destination on a website, such as virtual tour, picture of destination, animation, image interactivity is important because presentation of destination homepage facilitates positive consumer responses, due to resulting hedonic or experiential value(Bigne, Andreu, Gnoth, 2005; Ha and Perks, 2005). As a typical interface in cyberspace, destination homepages can basically be considered as collections of slides composed of diverse visual(e.g. picture,color,text, multimedia presentation) and auditory stimuli (, sounds) designed to directly engage the user in the interaction while he/she is navigating through cyberspace (Laurel, 1993). Accordingly, homepages thus also have the potential to elicit universally shared emotions in their user. In its past destination homepages tended to focus on providing cognitively convenient functions, such as search engines or directories. Therefore, most prior studies of tourism website have focused on the cognitive aspects of homepages (e.g. Sigala, 2002). However, as users gradually grew accustomed to these basic functions, providing cognitively convenient functions is not sufficient to satisfy user needs (Picard and Andrew, 1998). The advance of computer graphics increases the importance of aesthetic design of user interfaces, which provide users with emotional experiences (Oliver, 1996; Ngo and Byrne, 2001). Empirical evidence exits in the marketing literature supporting the argument that distinct aspects of product differentiation are captured in both the utilitarian (functional) and hedonic (aesthetic/affect laden) dimensions (Chittrui, 2003). That is why not all online travel consumers are motivated by the functional and utilitarian aspects of a destination Website such as price and place. Particularly when homepages are used for holiday destination, the emotional aspects of homepages have gained increased importance (Schenkman and Jonsson, 2000). Also in a study by Huang (2003), emotional experiences in an online shopping environment were found to be positively related to a customers intention to explore or purchase from website. This is because emotions were found to influence both users memories of products and their decision processes when they purchased products (Kim, 1998; Lee, 1998a). However, in contrast to the ample amount of research focusing on cognitive functions of homepages, only a few studies have focused on the emotional aspects of destination homepages (Fesenmaier, 2007). Among these few studies on the emotional aspects have several limitations (Kim and Moon, 1998; Lee, 1998b). First, the emotional dimensions that had been used in previous studies did not reflect or useful to the characteristics of homepages of the destination specifically rather it belongs to the website, which is an extensive concept by its feature. Also, these because emotional dimensions they borrowed were found in the design of physical products (Lee, 1998b). Therefore, we cannot be sure whether the emotional dimensions used in those studies accurately measure the emotions that users feel with diverse homepages. Second, prior studies did not consider the affective qualities of the destination homepages that had been used by homepage designers to elicit diverse emotions (Kim and Moon , 1998). Finally, prior studies did not identify any quantitative relations between the affective qualities of the destination homepage and browsers emotion in response to those affective qualities (Fesenmaier, 2007). Thus it was not clear which factors are closely related to which emotional dimension, how strong that relation is and what emotions have been evoked. Site developers therefore have to depend on insights and common sense in developing homepages, since they do not know the generic emotions evoked by various homepages or ways to evoke the generic emotions efficiently using design factors. Therefore, the objective of the study is to identify the affective qualities of destination homepages to measure the affective response of the homepage browsers. to identify a quantitative relationship between the affective responses of the browser and the affective qualities of the destination homepages The present study will contribute to research on emotional aspects of consumer behavior during tourism website browsing. Structure of the Thesis In order to achieve the research objective a theoretical basis has to be shaped that will be described in chapter 2. It will present a combination of earlier research and studies related to emotional experience, homepages in general and destination homepages. Chapter 3 reports the research design and methodology of the first experiment experiments. The results of the experiment itself will be presented in chapter 4. The research design of the second experiment will be covered in chapter 5, followed by the results in chapter 6. Subsequently, chapter 7 discusses both experiments; its methodology and results. It also presents final conclusions and recommendations for further research. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW The following areas of literature were covered to identify the proposed objective for the present study: (1) The emergence of eTourism, (2) Research in Tourism website (3) Emotional experience and Human-Computer Interaction (4) Methods used to Measuring website experience (5) Presence of emotions in destination homepages (6) Affective qualities in destination homepages (7) expression of emotions (8) Affective States (9) Measuring Emotions 1. Emergence of eTourism Tourism is an information extensive product, since it exists only as information at the point of sale, and cannot be sampled before the purchase decision is made (WTO Business Council, 1999). Unlike durable goods, intangible and variable tourism services cannot be physically displayed before purchasing. Tourism products are therefore almost exclusively dependent upon representations and descriptions, i.e. information in printed or audio-visual formats. Communication and information transmission tools are therefore indispensable to the global marketing of the tourism industry (Sheldon, 1997). The information-based nature of tourism product denotes that the Internet, which recommends global reach and multimedia capability, is gradually more important means of promoting and distributing tourism services (Walle, 1996). Tourism has become a highly competitive product over the world. Competitive advantage is vital for this industry as it is increasingly driven by science, information technology and Innovation. Tourism has become the worlds leading industry and its growth shows a consistent year to year Increase. The World Tourism Organization (2005) predicts that by 2020 tourist arrivals around the world would increase over 200%. Tourism-related services have emerged as a primary product category to be promoted and distributed to consumer markets through the Internet (Connolly et al., 1998, Sussman Baker, 1996; Archdale et al., 1992., Millman, 1998; Underwood, 1996). Travel usually rates among the top three product/service categories purchased via the Internet, as indicated by numerous consumer surveys (Heichler 1997; Tweney 1997; Yoffie 1997). Machlis (1997) suggested that travel is the single largest revenue generator among consumers on the Internet, totaling U.S. $800 million in 1997. As a primary source of tourist destination Information for travelers approximately 95% of Web users use the Internet to gather travel related information and about 93% indicate that they visited tourism Web sites when planning for vacations (Lake, 2001). The number of people turning to the Internet for vacation and travel planning has increased more than 300% over the past five years. The World Wide Web facilitated the entire interactivity and networking between computer users by using the Internet to allow instant access and distribution of tourism information as well as to support and gradually re-engineer the reservation of tourism organizations (WTO, 1995; Smith Jenner, 1998). Now more people have access from work or Internet cafes even from countries that are not technologically advanced or wealthy. This exemplifies that gradually the Internet is becoming persistent among all economic classes. Most Internet users are educated professionals who travel regularly and therefore should have a higher disposable Income. Increasingly consumers become familiar with ICTS and expect that tourism suppliers will have interactive interfaces on-line to support purchasing and discussion about specific requirements. The Internet, in particular, enables travellers to access reliable and accurate information as well as to undertake reservations in a fraction of the time, cost and inconvenience required by conventional methods. An interactive Website provides a good opportunity for the numerous suppliers involved in a tourism destination to sell different product and service which are sought by individual visitors. An interesting part is using interactive methods of guiding Individuals through the enormous range of destination options are available. In this sense the Internet is not dissimilar to traditional marketing that consumers seek to simplify their choice by using a combination of intermediaries, trusted brand names and established business relationships. Apart from simply broadcasting information to letting consumers interact with the Web site content allows the tourism organization to engage consumers interest and participation to capture information about their preferences, and to use that information to provide personalized communication and services. The content of tourism destination Web sites is particularly important because it directly influences the perceived image of the destination and creates a virtual experience for the consumer. This experience is greatly enhanced when Web sites offer interactivity (Cano Prentice, 1998; Gretzel et al., 2000) With the increasing importance of online sales for tourism and hospitality products (Visa Europe, 2003) and the growing number of online tourists patronising tourism Webstores, it is crucial to develop a better understanding of the profile and behaviour of Internet surfers and shoppers. A number of research efforts have concentrated on general tourist information search behavior (Chen, 2000; Chen Gursoy, 2000; Fodness Murray, 1999; Gitelson Crompton, 1983; Schul Crompton, 1983; Snepenger, Megen, Snelling Worrall, 1990; Vogt Fesenmaier, 1998). However, insufficient research attention has been paid to online consumer search behavior in the travel and tourism field. Despite the wide-spread discussion of e-commerce advantages, research of e-commerce business models in the tourism literature has, to date, focused primarily on organisational, business and technical factors (Sigala, 2004). In contrast psychological factors (e.g emotion, motivation, attitude, mood) which influencing the shape and adoption of tourism website have not been adequately addressed. But it is important to understand the needs that consumers have with respect to being involved in e-commerce within the tourism and hospitality context. Investigative rather than simply descriptive information about online travelers should help tourism and hospitality firms make better decisions about their marketing strategies, segmentation and personalisation practices (Sigala, 2004). Thus, in addition to demographics, tourism and hospitality marketers need to know the intrinsic as well as extrinsic benefits/value that e-shoppers seek when engaging in e-shopping as well as the atmospheric and environmental signs that can influence Webstore adoption and use. To achieve this other under-utilised sub-fields of psychology can also be considered as potential explanatory patterns of e-commerce adoption and use (Aldersey Williams, 1996). Specifically to design and develop techniques to measure the affect of non-verbal response behavior of prospective travelers when considering holiday de stinations by using tourism websites. (2)Research in Tourism website This chapter reviews the research in tourism website. In line with the growth of online travel, there has been an increase in academic and practitioner publications equipped at understanding how to effectively build and evaluate hospitality and tourism websites. Researchers also investigate the challenges of identifying, attracting and retaining customers in the online market as well as the issue of understanding consumers perceptions towards destination website. Some of the researchers also aim to identify the determinants that influence potential travelers to use the Internet for travel planning and to show their interrelations. Murphy et al. (1996) were among the first researchers to examine online marketing effectiveness in hospitality and tourism. These researchers evaluated 36 restaurant websites using the categories of email contact, online sales promotions, frequent specials, directions, reservations, email newsletter, franchising, coupons, recruiting and contests. ). During this period a variety of approaches have been suggested or used for measuring the effectiveness of tourism and hospitality Websites. Murphy, Forrest, Wotring and Brymer (1996a) analysed the Websites of 36 hotels in late 1995, and identified 32 categories of hotel Website features, which they subsequently grouped into promotion and marketing, service and information, interactivity and technology, and management. In the mid-to-late 1990s, practitioners and academics tried to understand the Web and the people who were using it to for travel information and bookings (Bonn, Furr, Susskind, 1998, 1999; Jung, 1999; Kasavana, Knutson Polonowski, 1997; Smith Jenner, 1998; Walle, 1996; Weber Roehl, 1999). In the late 1990s, other factors such as accessibility, segmentation, positioning, consumer research and timeliness emerged, and were also used to evaluate various tourism and hospitality websites (see Morrison et al., 1999; Weeks and Crouch, 1999). By 2000, academic papers on website evaluation expanded to include, visitor attraction centres, convention centres, tour wholesalers, travel agents and ski resorts. Other factors that emerged as important in the evaluation of hospitality and tourism websites were levels of information on websites, availability of virtual communities to share travel experiences, the actual customer decision making process (looker vs. booker behaviour), and special online pricing and promotion (Dellaert, 2000; McLemore and Mitchell, 2000; Tierney, 2000). Perry (2002) employed relationship marketing mechanisms such as reservations, loyalty programmes, newsletters, feedback, consumer services, public relations, information, special gestures, value-added services. Frsich and Robins (2002) explored the use of the Internet in terms of constructing a self-image for the world. In 2003, the balanced scorecard tool introduced to evaluate the Web marketing efforts of Bed Breakfasts, Destination Marketing Organi zations (DMOs), NTOs and convention centres (Kim et al., 2003; St. John et al., 2003; so and Morrison, 2003). Apart from the balanced scorecard approach, Choi (2003) evaluated 100 restaurant websites in terms of information clearing house, public relations, interactive brochure, virtual storefront and direct sales, marketing research, and encouragement. Murphy et al. (2003) explored email management, online relationship, and electronic customer service of hotel websites. Other factors such as product, price, promotion, place, In 2004 and early 2005, researchers continued to use the modified balanced scorecard approach to evaluate the marketing effectiveness of hospitality and tourism websites (Douglas and Mills, 2004; Kline et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2004; Morrison et al., 2004; Myung and Morrison, 2004; Yuan et al., 2004 Additional factors emerged in the research stream included facilities information, customer contact, and perceived ease of use, surrounding area information and usability performances (Law et al., 2004; Vrana et al., 2004; Yeung and Law, 2004). A model of online consumer attitudinal change (Han and Mills, 2005) and pictorial and textural analysis (Hellemans and Govers, 2005) were also developed to examine DMO websites. In 2005 Sigala developed an evaluative framework of Web interpretation practices to examine tourism websites. Few papers examined website effectiveness through surveys, textual analysis and experiments (Dellaert, 2000; McLemore and Mitchell, 2000; Tierney, 2000; Frsich and Robins, 2002; Nysveen et al., 2003; Stergiou and Airey, 2003; Gretzel and Fesenmaier, 2005; Kao et al., 2005). From the above discussion it is imperative to say that most of the previous research contemplates the functionality or usability of the destination website. Only recently a few specific research (Douglas et al., 2007; Kim and Fesenmaier, 2008)have been targeted the evaluation of non instrumental qualities of the destination website and their impact on browser. More specifically, there is not a single research that targeted the non instrumental qualities of destination homepages. Where as studies by Levene (2006) and Widyantoro and Yen (2001) seem to suggest that when an online travel planner first evaluates a Web site, he or she evaluates the Web site within a short period of time in an attempt to form an overall impression of it. That is, these studies indicate that when information searchers access a Web site, a rapid and almost unconscious but complex thought process is activated (Gladwell 2005; Lindgaard et al. 2006; Winter, Saunders, and Hart 2003). In their research, Kim and Fe ssenmier 2008 describes, that first impressions aroused through an immediate interaction with Web page enables information searchers to make a quick choice about the particular Web site and even subsequent decisions. Importantly, these reactions have a potentially long-lasting effect (i.e., halo effect) whereby they support the search for or interpretation of, information in a way that confirms ones preconceptions (Lindgaard et al. 2006; Nickerson 1998). That is why this research attempts to explore a new emotional aspect of destination homepages through investigating the affective qualities of destination homepages and measuring browsers perceived affective qualities. The next chapter will review the emotional experience in Human-Computer Interaction. 3. The Emotional experience in Human-Computer Interaction This chapter describes the importance of emotion in HCI Most of the earlier HCI design guidelines for websites have focused on the cognitive efficiency of websites. However, as functionality and reliability improved, users needed to be satisfied in other ways. The growing possibilities of the internet (Web 2.0) and the advance of computer graphics, offered web developer the platform to provide users with more positive emotional experiences (Oliver 1996; Ngo and Byrne 2001). Designing interfaces for emotion proved to be an effective method to improve the communication in the online environment (Picard and Klein 2002) and to maximize the effect of online advertising in homepages (Singh and Dalal 1999). Visual design plays an important role in this step, but is more than that. Pleasurable interfaces are also fun to play with. The fluidity of the graphics is engaging, and provides visceral experiences (Norman 2006). These are experiences that appeal to the senses. It can therefore be said that it is worth striving for a positive user experience, as it will satisfy the user and will most likely improve his feelings about the producer of the product. Furthermore, customers will leave the websites that they experience as negative. Schenkman Jonsson (2000) were among the first to propose that evoking specific emotions should be a part of a web developers overall site design strategy. Mahlke Thring (2007) proposed a model to understand emotional experience in interactive contexts. They believe that perceived instrumental qualities that are related to the usability and usefulness of a system, and perceived non instrumental qualities that result from a systems appeal and attractiveness draw attention to the system users. Both types of quality are likely to influence the third component: the emotional reactions that accompany the users interaction with the system. Perceived instrumental qualities are related to the usability of the system. Perceived non-instrumental qualities as the quality aspects of an interactive system that address user needs that go beyond tasks, goals and their efficient achievement. Over the past few years, various concepts of these noninstrumental qualities were discussed (e.g. Jordan 2000; Rafaeli and Vilnai-Yavetz 2003; Hassenzahl 2004; Lavie and Tractinsky 2004; Norman 2004).. In order measures emotion, it is important to know how the noninstrumental qualities relate to the elicited emotions. The non instrumental qualities (aesthetic dimensions and hedonic attributes) are measurable and seem useful for the analysis of a HCI system. Not much is known about the influence of the perceived non-instrumental qualities on emotional reactions. (4) Method used to Measuring website experience Numbers of methods implemented to examine HCI experience but in this study only most widely used method is introduced. Data Logging The most common way to measure internet behaviour is by logging persons website usage. How long does a user stay on a site, where did he come from and where is he going to? Where did he leave in an ordering process? And which keywords were used to get to the site? Questionnaires A common way to evaluate user experience is by questionnaires. As example to study non intstrumental qualities of the website Hassenzahl (2004) and Lavie Tractinsky (2004) are most widely used. Webqual (Loiacono, Watson et al. 2000) is another website quality measurement questionnaire. It measures the likelihood that a person will revisit or make a purchase from a specific site in the future Mouse Behaviour A small number of studies has been conducted that focus on mouse behaviour as a user experience response. Chen, Anderson et al. (2001) indicated a relationship between gaze position and cursor position on a computer screen during web browsing. Mueller Lockerd (2001) developed a tool that records the changes in mouse location throughout the user interaction. (5) Presence of Emotion in Destination Homepages. According to the destination industry expert, destination homepage, as a communication tool is the potential to offer high level virtual experiences. Through the progress of media technology in recent years, most consumers can now view the photos and read information about scenic spots through the Internet in order to experience the sights in advance (Klein, 1998). Direct product experiences have consistently been shown to lead to stronger beliefs and attitudes than other media(Marks Kamins, 1988; Smith Swinyard, 1988). Furthermore, Bigne and Andreau (2004) argue that the recognition of these on-line experiences as a distinct product offering is the key to future economic growth when 75% of consumers are lured back to their favourite websites after a positive experience (Ha Perks, 2005). Research confirms the effect of tourism catalogue on experiential value. Destination image in tourism catalogue helped consumers generate a mental scenario or fantasy and resulting in pleasure (Fiore Yu, 2001). Destination homepages also offers experiential value, which is augmented by fantasy, feelings, and fun derived from a virtual product experience (Song, Fiore, Park, 2006). Song et al. (2006) found that homepage features, as virtual tour, photograph, videos, layout and other aesthetic contents positively affected consumer fantasy, which led to browsing enjoyment Shih (1998) proposed that vividness of the image had a positive effect on approach responses towards the Web site. Therefore, level of realism of the image or completeness of sensory information created by an image interactivity function may result in a positive relationship with level of approach response variables. In another study, Griffith et al. (2001) reported that interface design influenced consumer involvement, or perceived relevance of the product to the consumer. An enjoyable and involving experience should enhance approach responses toward the environment (Mehrabian Russell, 1974). Therefore, the image interactivity functions including text and other aesthetic attributes of a homepage may increase approach responses toward online products and stores. The hedonic consumption paradigm in tourism suggests that in many situations consumers seek fun, amusement, fantasy, arousal, sensory stimulation and enjoyment (Holbrook Hirschman, 1982). Emotional experience plays a primary role in creating this enjoyment. Excitement, a combination of pleasure and arousal (Russell Pratt, 1980), can increase approach tendencies, unplanned purchases, and hedonic shopping value (Dawson et al., 1990; Babin Darden, 1995). The homepage may enhance escapist, esthetic and entertainment experiences, which generate pleasure and arousal (Li, Daugherty, Biocca, 2001). With the features of high level of interactivity, vividness, and thus high level of involvement with its users, the homepage enables visitors to transform experiential attributes into more searchable attributes. Thus, in a highly involved virtual environment, tourism marketers has the potentiality of moving tourist from the status of watcher (i.e., passive participation) to player (i.e., active participant) in the realm of experience (Pine Gilmore, 1998) by increasing the level of interactivity and vividness Since the homepage design (including the aesthetic and functional content) will dominate a users evaluation at first sight, and influence users decision making while surfing on the web site, emotional factor certainly should be considered as an important cue when designing the website (Brave Nass, 2003).Meanwhile, there are many studies indicating that emotional factor is an essential element on emotional design. Previous studies in the marketing field provide support for the view that consumers, who respond in a positive emotional way to commercial websites, are more likely to change their attitudes and purchasing intentions. Yet, online consumer search behaviour in the travel and tourism field has drawn little attention (Ha Perks, 2005; Jang, 2004; Kim, Lee Choi, 2003). As the growing number of online tourists are adopting tourism Webstores, it is important to develop a better understanding of the profile and behaviour of Internet surfers and shoppers as well as to link emotions (and to a certain extent attitudes and behaviours) Understanding consumers affective responses becomes critical (Szymanski Henard, 2001; Wirtz et al., 2000; Zins, 2002). Such understanding is vital in tourism services, with important emotional involvement regarding the tourist experience (Barsky Nash, 2002; Ryan, 1999). Thus, much research is required to know as how browser emotionally response to the destination homepages. Knowledge of the process of emotion, i.e. how emotions are evoked, can enhance our understanding of what makes us enjoy interacting with a tourist website. So far, however, little is known about how people respond emotionally to a destination homepage and what aspects of design or interaction trigger emotional reactions. To measure emotional responses can support exploration of relationships between subjective affective responses, and objective interaction and design characteristics. The next chapter will review the affective qualities of destination homepages. (6) Affective qualities in destination homepages It is important to introduce core affect before defining affective quality (AQ) and perceived affective quality (PAQ). In combining various views and studies on affect in psychology over the past several decades, Russell described core affect as a neurophysiological state that is consciously accessible as a simple, nonreflective feeling that is an integral blend of hedonic (pleasure-displeasure) and arousal (sleepy-activated) values (Russell 2003, p.147). Hedonic value refers to the extent to which one is generally feeling good or bad; and arousal value refers to the extent to which one is feeling engaged or energized (Russell 1980). Core affect is primitive and universal. A person always has core affect at any given conscious moment. Core affect per se is free of objects and thus free of the cognitive structures implied (Russell 2003). This concept is similar to what is commonly called feeling, affect (Watson and Tellegen 1988), and mood (Morris 1989). Whereas core affect exists within a person, affective quality exists within a stimulus. Affective quality refers to a stimulus ability to cause a change in a persons core affect (Russell 2003). A stimulus can be a person, place, condition, event, state of affairs, physical object, behavior, etc. In this study, a destination homepage is considered as such a stimulus that contains certain affective quality. Perception of affective quality (PAQ) is an individuals perception of a stimulus affective quality (Russell 2003). PAQ begins with a specific stimulus and remains tied to that stimulus (Russell 2003). The perception of affective quality of the exposed stimuli typically impinges at any one time (how pleasant, unpleasant, exciting, boring, upsetting, or soothing each is), then influences subsequent reactions to those stimuli (Russell 2003). PAQ is considered as the second most primitive concept after core affect (Russell 2003). Note that certain homepage features that are attractive to one person may not be so to another. PAQ reflects such subjectivity. The structure of affect and affective quality has been interpreted in several different ways, each with its own measurement model, conceptual framework, and accumulating literature (Larsen and Diener 1992; Reisenzein 1994; Russell 1980; Schlosberg 1941; Thayer 1989; Watson and Tellegen 1985; Wundt 1912/1924). In the destination web environment, researchers have found that certain affective reactions can be evoked by some aesthetic features of the website, such as colors, music, shapes, layout, information load, images, graph, menu, and so on (Huang 2003; Hwang, et al. 2001; Kim, et al. 2003; Mundorf, et al. 1993; Scheirer and Picard 1999; Schenkman and Jonsson 2000; Tractinsky, et al. 2000; van der Heijden 2003). Aesthetic features of a homepage refer to visual items that can raise the interests of online travellers such as pictures, colours and graphical layout. These visual items would attract the attention of first time visitors and form an initial image of the destination. There are two sub factors in this category destination visualisation and Web design. The Internet allows a website to function not only as a substantive information tool, but also as an online multimedia which can satisfy the visual as well as information seeking behaviour of consumers (Murphy et al., 1996; Cano and Prentice, 1998; Countryman, 1999; Morrison et al., 1999; Benckendorff and Black, 2000; Palmer and McCole, 2000; Jeong and Lambert, 2001; Ismail et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2003; Mills and Morrison,2003). Visuals refer to the quality of the pictures of the attractions, logos and slogans of the destination. The use of colours that match with logos, destination pictures and aesthetically appealing backgrounds also contribute to the visual appeal at destination websites. Such visual features enhance online travellers interests as they provide a glimpse of the unknown destination. Online video clips, newsletters or brochures can provide more intense impact as they aid recall and awareness of the destination. The elements that enhance online attributes are site maps, homebuttons, search engines for website contents and directories. Other aspects include a memorable website address, availability of accuracy of links and correct spelling, clear and readable text, clean and uncluttered Web page. The presence of such visualisation elements enhance both the visual experience and the reliability and trustability of information presented by online users. all these factors can be considered as the affective qualities of a homepage in general but till now there is no research that confirmed if picture, color, logos; graphical layouts can be defined as the generic affective qualities for a destination homepages and how they perceived. (7) Expression of emotions According to Desmet (2002) there are four expressive components that shape emotions: Behavioral components: the actions or behaviors one engages in when experiencing an emotion. Such as approach, inaction, avoidance and attack (Arnold 1960). In the face of danger or fear people want to run away and when in love people want to approach and caress. Expressive reactions: the facial, vocal and postural expressions that accompany the emotion. Physiological reaction: the changes in activity in the autonomic nervous system which accompany emotions (activation, arousal, changes in heart rate) Subjective feeling: the conscious awareness of the emotional state one is in. experiencing an emotion. Using expressive and physiological reactions to measure emotions will be limited to interpret. First, the results are related to a select group of discrete (basic) emotions as fear, anger and happiness. While it is believed that for measuring emotions in HCI, more emotions are relevant. Second, the influence of the measurement tool is noticed by the participant, which may distort the results. The focus is therefore moved to the measuring of subjective feelings of participants. This is subject to self-report and therefore applicable in an online environment The field of psychology focuses on dimensional method to analyze emotions by subjective feelings. The following chapter will review the affective state of the browser (8) Affective States Figure: 1 Differentiating affective states (Desmet 2002 p. 4) The term emotion is often misused for a wide variety of experiential phenomena, such as passions, sentiments, temperament and moods. Desmet (2002) defines these phenomena as affective states and distinguishes them into four different segments (after Frijda 1994), as shown in Table 1. The affective states are differentiated, based on two considerations. Affective states can be intentional and non-intentional: states that involve relationship between the person and a particular object are intentional, whereas those that do not involve such a relationship are non-intentional (Desmet 2002 p. 4). Intentional Non-intentional Acute Dispositional Emotions Moods Sentiments Emotional traits Affective states can be acute or dispositional: states that are limited in time are acute: states that are not limited in time are dispositional. Emotions are intentional. They are related to a particular object, whether that object is a person, a product or a website. For example: one is in love with a person, proud of a product or angry at an interface. This also implies that people are usually able to identify this object of their emotion (Ekman and Davidson 1994). However, in some cases a person may be unaware of the cause of their emotion. Emotions are furthermore acute, and their duration is limited to seconds, or minutes at most. Emotions are distinguished from moods, sentiments and emotional traits. Moods tend to have a relatively long-term character but are still limited in time. One can be sad or cheerful for a few hours or several days. They are, in contrast with emotions, not intentional for they are not directed at a particular object but at the surroundings in general (Frijda 1994). Emotional traits are descriptions of ones character and can be seen as long-lasting moods. For instance, being in a sad mood does not mean one is a gloomy person, since a mood is only temporal. Finally sentiments are the dispositional component of emotions, they are long-term attitudes towards particular objects or events. One can love ice-creams or Apple products and have a general disliking of products that are produced by child labour. Because of the acute state of emotions, they are hard to measure. In order to try and measure them, it is therefore important to know how emotions are elicited and how they are manifested by persons. These subjects will be he handled in the following sections. (9) Measuring Emotions This paragraph introduces some methods that are currently used to measure subjective feelings by the dimensional and discrete approach. Measuring Emotions with a Dimensional Approach The dimensional approach captures subjective feelings in a three-dimensional space. This space consists of the dimensions of valence (positive negative), arousal (calm -excited), and tension (tense-relaxed, and sometimes indicated as control, or potency). Because of the difficulty of identifying the third dimension many theorists have limited themselves to the valence and arousal dimensions. Russell (1980) believes affective states as emotions and moods are grounded in simple structures as feeling good or bad, and feeling energized or activated. He proposed a circular structure to map emotional feelings into a two-dimensional (see figure) Basically, in this dimensional approach participants are asked to evaluate how positive/negative and how excited they feel. The answers to these questions determine the position participants take in the circular structure, which serves as an indicator of their emotional state. The dimensional approach of measuring emotions has been used for a long time. Wundt (1896) already discussed the dimensions of pleasure, tension and inhibition in 1896. Mehrabian Russell (1974) used the Semantic Differential Scale (SDS) to measure the three dimensions of value, arousal and dominance on 18 bipolar adjective pairs. Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) Because there were issues about the reliance of a verbal rating system in SDS, Lang (1980) developed a picture-oriented instrument called the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM). Just like the SDS, the SAM uses a 9-point rating scale for each dimension, the items are however nonverbal SAM has been applied for many studies in the field of psychology and consumer research.Tests with SAM (Bradley and Lang 1994) proved that the two dimensions of valence and arousal are pervasive organizers of human judgements. Pleasure reflects ones tendency to approach a stimulus, whereas arousal indexes the amount of vigour associated with a given behavioural choice. Bradley Lang assume that judgements of dominance indexes the relationship between the perceiver and perceived. SAM is limited because it only describes the values of three constructs. It may furthermore prove to be difficult for users to interpret the images without help. Measuring Emotions with a Discrete Approach In the discrete approach of measuring emotions, a list of emotion words is presented. Participants have to rate the intensity of the words. Many verbal questionnaires with different sets of emotion words have been developed in the past. In this section, two instruments of measuring discrete emotions are presented. The first instrument is still under development and approaches the measuring of discrete emotions in a new way by combining it with their position on two dimensions. The second, is a non-verbal approach of rating discrete emotions. Geneva Scherer (2005) developed the Geneva Emotion Wheel, a tool for the verbal report of emotions. It includes 16 emotions categories that are positioned in a circle that is based around two dimensions. The first dimension is the level of perceived control in the situation that generates the emotion. The second dimension is the positive/negative quality judgement of the situation and of the resulting feeling. The user is able to rate the intensity of each emotion category on a four-point scale, represented by the size of the circles next to the emotion words. PrEmo PrEmo is a measurement tool developed by Desmet (2002) to measure fourteen discrete emotions which are elicited by product appearance. Each emotion is portrayed by an animated figure by means of dynamic facial, bodily and vocal expression. The character expresses seven positive emotions (inspiration, desire, satisfaction, pleasant surprise, fascination, amusement, admiration), and seven negative emotions (disgust, indignity, contempt, disappointment, dissatisfaction, boredom, and unpleasant surprise). In experiments with PrEmo, participants were first presented with the image of a product and subsequently instructed to use the animations to report their emotions evoked by the product. This is possible by scoring a three-point scale which is presented on the left side of the animation. The scale represents the following ratings: I do not feel the emotion I somehow feel the emotion I do feel the emotion. Visual feedback of the scorings is provided by the background colour of the anim ation frame.PrEmo is an original way to rate emotions. The most common doubt about the discrete emotion words is whether the labels really express the experienced emotions and to what extent they do express them. A participant might want to respond with a word or category that is not provided in the list. This may force the person to respond with a close alternative. Additionally, the use of expressions (e.g. colloquial language or psychological terms) could make people misunderstand the word. Finally, as researchers often use self-composed lists of discrete emotions, it is hard to compare results of discrete emotion measurements. Therefore from the above discussion we can conclude that dimensional method is the simplest to process and in that case self report seems to be the most practical method to use. METHODOLOGY Participants: the number of participant for the first is 20 and they are all iniversity students. To measure the affective qualities of the destination homepages, each of the samples will be given the printed picture of 25 different destination homepages. The homepages are selected as they are not popular and as obscure to reduce the bias to a particular homepage. The text used in the homepages is in English language. After viewing each of the pages for ten seconds the sample will be asked to rate the pages in a five point Likert scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree to identify the affective qualities of the homepgaes. Following the first test a panel of homepages will be selected and will be used in the second test to measure the affective state of the browser. In the second test the Russels dimensional scale of emotion will employed to measure the perceived affective qualities. Justification of the survey questionnaire in the first test Color Vision is one of the most important senses of human beings. We see everything through eyes. People have different responses to different objects with colors. For example, food with different color designs will give consumers different perceive flavors. (Garber, Hyatt, and Starr, 2000). Also, consumers judge the quality of things by colors. Previous researches found that color is a direct indicator for consumers to evaluate the quality, for instance, tomatoes, citrus and cranberries (Francis, 1995). In the era of e commerce, companies are losing customers as a result of having color on websites that do not accurately show the actual color of product which is being sold (Nitse, Parker, Krmwiede and Ottaway, 2004). Therefore, color has been influential in consumers decisions. There have been numbers of studies that have investigated that the application of colors on websites, such as that the influence of color on time perception (Gorn, Chattopadhyay, Sengupta, Tripathi 2004.), the per formance in a visual search task of color and website design(Robert and Paul, 2003), the influence of color on click rate (Zviran, Teeni, and Gross, 2006), the effect of visual stimuli, (i.e. the design of color) on mail survey response rates (LaGarce, R. and Kuhn, L. D. 1995), the effect The studies about the effect of colors on emotions, feelings, and series of purchasing behavior are all positive. Question 1, 2, 11 have been supported by these theories. Picture Viewing affective pictures elicits a number of physiological reactions in cardiovascular, electrodermal, and somatic systems. For instance, skin conductance responses are larger when viewing emotionally arousing pleasant or unpleasant pictures, compared to neutral pictures. Findings from another (Jeong and Choy, 2004) study indicated that if a hotel Website provided a variety of pictures of the hotel and featured service personnel or guests in the pictures, customers tended to have more favorable attitudes toward the hotel Website because they could mentally picture the overall image of the hotel and benefits of the service, and imagine actually experiencing the service.It is clear that affective pictures are effective cues in activating emotional response. Question 3, 4,7,11 correspond with these theories. Pleasure Pleasure is the extent to which the visitor perceives the homepage wattching to be enjoyable and is considered a prerequisite for a successful site. Chen et al. suggest that the level of entertainment offered by a web site is a key predictor of user attitude towards the site. Childers et al. (2002) argued that the extent to which a web site evoked hedonic feelings significantly affected the Internet shopping experience of the customer. This was further confirmed by Eroglu et al. (2003). Provision of multimedia elements, such as graphics, audio, video, and backgrounds, is considered significant in enhancing web site content and increasing attractiveness. Further, using interesting themes, flashy graphics, or appealing site design may make a web site experience entertaining and increase visitors likelihood to conduct business. Question 5,6, 8,9,10 supported by these theories. please see the attached survey
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cheating and the History of Mankind - 614 Words
Cheating is one of the most divisive topics in the history of mankind, as ever since the beginning of time individuals have had the tendency to cheat and their companions put across their dissatisfaction with their relationship as a consequence. However, conditions appear to be different in the present-day society as the masses claim to be living in a civilized world where individuals are no longer impeded by things like cheating in their struggle to maintain healthy relationships. Conditions did not actually change much and things are basically the same as the effects of cheating primarily depend on the person being cheated. While some individuals believe that cheating is not a big thing as long as the cheater did not involve his or her emotions in the dishonest relationship, others believe that cheating is cheating regardless of the circumstances and are set to leave anyone cheating them. Cheating is not as simple as one might be inclined to believe, considering that there are a multitude of factors involved in a relationship and a person who is cheated cannot simply keep staying with the cheater or leave him or her. When he or she learns that he or she has been cheated, an individual comes to consider the relationship that he or she is involved in and struggles to be affected as little as possible by this act. Many cheaters try to motivate their behavior through claiming that it is their lovers fault, as he or she did not provide him or her with the attention that heShow MoreRelatedThe Scarlet Letter, By William Hawthorne879 Words  | 4 Pagesdespicably evil men of history, all of which comes from their suffering and how they dealt with said suffering. The actions of men reflect the actions and ethos of their gods. The suffering of history all lead to discovering the Americas, the puritans going to live there and then orchestrate the witch trials. 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