Sunday, January 26, 2020
Integrated Customer Ordering Service
Integrated Customer Ordering Service Introduction (107 words) In this coursework, I have tried to discuss how Information Systems play an important role in the functioning of an organisation. An adequate Information System is a must requirement in todays technology-driven and competitive era. I studied about a system integrated in Marks and Spencer for improving its ordering system and thereby proving to be a reason for its return on investment. The Information system helps to control, coordinate, analyze, interrelate data and also supports in decision making. I have explained how application of an Information System can support organizational success and efficiency by increasing profits and providing services that are easily accessible to meet the needs of organisation in such a way that the organisation can keep up the standards and services smoothly. Marks and Spencer (172 words) Marks and Spencer is one of the leading retail organizations in UK which sell stylish, quality and great value clothing and home products , also quality food. They are one of the most popular brand among people not only in UK but globally. They have more than 600 stores in UK and constantly increasing many more around the world. It was founded when in 1884, Michael Marks opened a stall at Leeds Kirkgate Market. In 1901, its first registered store was located at Derby street , Manchester. By 1924 they started expanding and the head office moved from Manchester to London. Implementation of new policies and maintenance of services and value kept on adding to the success of Marks and Spencer. In 1998, it became the first retailer to earn a profit of  £1billion. The organisation commonly called as MS has always followed the principles of Quality, Value, Service, Innovation and Trust since its founded. This is the reason why it has been successful, distinguished and popular among people. Need of the Information System: Integrated Customer Ordering Service (373 words) MS was facing several backlogs in order processing and complaints were increasing day by day. The company had invested a lot to move ahead in this competitive environment but was unable to overcome this problem. The need of the hour was to have an customer service ordering information system implemented which can accurately and assuredly keep away these problems which were an obstacle in the success of a great retail organisation. The retail market is immensely competitive and keep on upgrading their information system to meet the requirements of services. MS started using up-to-date information system in its ordering system which made it stand different from other rival organisations. On 19 April, 2005 Marks and Spencer signed an alliance with Amazon Services Europe. In this agreement, Amazon Services Europe will host and provide with synchronized information system to MS websites, telephone ordering systems and in store ordering systems. ICOS was launched in 2006 and was based on Microsoft Windows NT Server and Oracle 10g databases. It also comprises various intelligence tools using DOS applications and is called as Rumba Server in MS. This system enables ease of access of data and information across all stores and offices of the organisation. The system is efficient in dealing with the orders , vendors, manage information across the organisation, control the supply of incoming and outgoing products through a common database which gives solution to all problems related to above categories. The business process improvement team has not only developed this application but has also installed it in all stores where in store ordering is available. The information system had to meet challenges like connecting all stores to common database so that all product related information and management related information could be shared across. It was not easy to interrelate thousands of product data and ordering information on websites, in stores and in offices. The system application must be in a way that the data is easily accessible through all channels and can be used through company intranet without paying heed to its location. The system included taking orders, order processing, order dispatch, order location, stock control and order prices. This helped MS to expand their business systematically. Working and Benefits of Integrated Customer Ordering Services (849 words) ICOS is an information system application used by MS employees for various in store functions. This information system comprises data of all products like food, clothing, home ware etc. Each product of MS has a unique identification code called as UPC number which is used in ordering. In a situation where customer wants a certain product for e.g. a TV, and that product is either unavailable or is a special requirement that has to be made or is not displayed in the store, that is when this system plays its role. Order Taking: Every user or employee as its unique ID or access code and a password which makes this system highly secured and prevents it from unauthorized access. An employee assigned to take orders enters his ID and password to find out any information or to take any orders. When a customer orders certain product the agent enters its product code and the whole information from product details to availability and prices is displayed which can be conveyed to the customer. There is a tool bar which consists of different options available for the agent to save information from customer like name and address. This tool bar also has information about billing and lead-time of all products. Some products might not be displayed in the store while some can only be delivered like furniture. The system also proposes extension in delivery time to any date. As and when the agent enters customer name and details, a customer profile is created and a customer code is also generated and saved in his/her profile. The next step is payment. Once all required information from the customer is saved their is an option of payment on the tool bar. When that option is clicked several payment methods are made available on the screen like cash , visa card, credit card or cheque. The agent asks the customer and select the option that is told by the customer. Once all this information is submitted and payment is taken the customer is handed over with a printed receipt of product and money transaction details along with the unique customer code. Order Enquiry: If the customer wants to enquire about the order in future he/she just need to give his unique code to the employee. Once the code is entered on an option of enquiry on the tool bar the detailed information about the product is retrieved. This information states the status of dispatch or progress in order and also status notes entered by the manufacturing department. This information can further be stated to the customer. If required a receipt of the order confirmation can also be provided to the customer. Order Upgrading or Editing: This option on the tool bar enables an agent to add or cancel certain products from the order. This option is also used to edit customer details like address or shipping date or further payments. When an alteration or amendment is to be made, the agent enters the customer code and the information related to the order pops up on the screen. This states if a particular order can be cancelled or not e.g. certain product is a special manufacture order already in process. Special Offers: Many times there are special offers available with certain products like buy one get 25% off on other. All these offers are already saved in this information system and is updated from time to time. Not that there are so many employees working in MS and all employees need to be informed, so a hasslefree alternate is that ICOS already comprises these schemes and offers. There is an option of diary where these details are stored. As the agent enters his code to acquires access , he/ she can review the promotions and sales for the whole day and also take a printout if required. Order Reports: The orders taken throughout the day are stored in the system and can be retrieved as a whole or product category wise. If an agent or manager wants to know what all is sold or how many orders were taken throughout the day, they need to enter their ID and click on reports. The data is immediately available. If they just want to get report of the number of TVs sold they can get separate report as well. In this way the whole day report or report till a particular time can be seen in a summarized manner. Order Display Availability: If an agent in one store wants to know the availability or display of a product in any other MS store he/she can just use the tool bar for display search or update search. This possible because as mentioned earlier all store are networked and data of all products in all stores are available to each store. ICOS helps MS employees to provide hassle free information to the customers and also helps taking quick orders leading to save time both of employee and customer. It also plays a very important role in uplifting customer loyalty. Evaluation Technique (171 words) In this competitive market, it is very important to maintain exceptionally good production and customer services. Implementation of ICOS enhanced competitive advantage to the organisation, thereby maintaining its position. Competitive market requires different and creative ideas to keep up the organisation status. Constant improvement and subsistence enables an organisation to continue with an uplifting business in the market over a longer period of time. According to the changes in market and needs of consumers it is very important for an organisation to keep changing strategies and technologies. Competitive advantage is based on potency to cope up with the rapidly changing market. MS acquired unique skills to overpower its competitors by implementing ICOS. It evaluated the value of competitive advantage. Therefore, it decided to acquire the ordering system which changed and organised its working so much that other competitors couldnt. MS worked on the competitive advantage to combat and sustain in the uncertain market. Competitive advantage empowered MS to grow its profits and give high customer services, thereby conserving the bond . Critical Assessment (281 words) ICOS proved to be boon to the organisations. It replaced the old fashion of ordering through fax or telephone across the units which involved manually entering data. The old process was highly time consuming as well as error prone. The new ordering system entered as an effectual way of providing high customer service, more number of customers handling, quicker response to customer queries, faster processing of orders, and above all having competitive advantage. Integrated Customer Ordering System as set up information flow across all MS outlets and offices to give quality services. MS understood its competitive advantage and focussed on exclusive strategy to sustain in the corporate market. Their sales and advancements have achieved higher levels among competitors. Customers are satisfied by the quick order process, be it in the store or home delivery. Marks and Spencers evaluated utilisation of maximum resources and importance of competitive advantage. Implementation of ICOS helped everybody right from employer to employee to customers. The sharing of data across all units of MS made the work so easily accessible that it could manage very effectively and efficiently. MS has now focussed on development and research for expansion which has come into practice because their information system has made them free from most of the hassles. Now they can tactfully just look forward towards expanding of business. The investments turned out to raise huge profits leading to increase in productivity and also reducing costs. ICOS has proved to be and information system which has given new heights to the company and an ultimate transformation to quality. The investment raised huge profits from this system and it was a transformation to the organisational working and approach. Conclusion (157 words) With the fast growing competition in the corporate market it was very essential for MS to adopt an information system which can handle its data and order processing. All organisations are heading towards acquiring information systems to ease up their work and management. MS required a system which is distinctive and can keep up pace in changing and challenging environment of the competitive market. ICOS provided MS with an altogether different status in the market by upraising profits and giving high returns on investments. It has transformed the organisation and helped in higher productivity, customer loyalty and synchronised working. I could complete my detailed research on this information system by the help of MS manager, Central London where I had worked for 6 months. Its my personal opinion that the ICOS is so efficient and it makes ordering so simple that I almost had to do nothing apart from interacting with the customer or storage unit. References
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Persuasive Essay, the Player, All Realities Are Fictitious Essay
Our world consists of many realties. Two being commercial, and the other, artistic. A commercial reality is one of indulgence, and pleasure, always aiming to suit those who yearn for it. Artistic reality however, is open to interpretation. This means there are many possible outcomes. One could be saddened or depressed by the reality, and others, joyful. It is because of this uncertainty in artistic realities that the film industry, as well as many other industries, have taken it upon themselves to glorify the truth. It is because of the clashing of these two realities, that reality as a whole becomes difficult to interpret. The statement that every reality is fictitious, is rather bold however. Although in numbers, there are a few people who hold very strong moral and have a sense of quality in what they do. The Hollywood film industry is entirely commercial. Offering little or no interest in writers work that consists of depth, moral and truth. This reality consumes those considered as naive to the industry. Commercial realities are realities that are created by people who want to escape their own and subconsciously create a reality that is deemed impossible in the â€Å"real†world. Commercial realities are attractive to most, because you can experience something otherwise unimaginable. It is us, the audience of massive Hollywood productions, that show true appreciation of films made by producers who show no other interest than creating fictional nonsense and profiting from us . The film making industry is created by artificial characters living paranormal lives that we aspire to have. However, who can jump from a 4 story building and land on the ground with no injury? Who can be stabbed and instantly heeled by only a bandage and continue battling the world with heroic attributes and a vision to sustain â€Å"humanity as we know it†Commercial realities are fictitious, and it leaves us dreaming of a better life, and fantasizing over it. Many of our youth are involved in lives that are run by action, violence, recklessness and stupidity. A contrasting reality to those of commercial is that of artistic. This reality has deeper meaning to it, and value. Artistic reality may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements. Artistic reality is better known as ‘realism. ’ Realism revolted against the exotic subject matter and exaggerated emotionalism and drama of the Romantic Movement. Instead it sought to portray real and typical contemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy, and not avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of life. Artistic realities often reject changes wrought by Commercial Revolutions. Artistic realities reveal the truth, which means they may emphasize the ugly or sordid. Artists use their work as a form of expressionism, which is open to interpretation. They see true value in their oeuvre, as they see ordinary, everyday subjects as the depiction of naturalism. Many people attempt to depict things accurately, from either a visual, social or emotional perspective. Theatre Realism shares many stylistic choices with naturalism, including a focus on every day (middle-class) drama, colloquial speech, and mundane settings. Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favour of a close observation of outward appearances. Often artistic realities can be labelled as fictitious. This is due to the majority of society being so consumed by commercial reality that they no longer can differentiate from commercial actually being fake, and artistic as being real. Commercial realities enhance the breeding of money. Commercial values manipulate the very anatomy of a natural, mundane reality. Commercially precious films of ‘reality’ have become the organ grinder’s monkeys of money. They are made to increase the generative value and staying in power of money, the power of money to breed money, to fertilize itself. They are not made to empower people and provide certain value. Artistic reality however, leaves no stone unturned. Realism sees no value in money, and it sees no reciprocal (mutual? Would this be better? ) material possession that could be exchanged for money. Artistic realities merely capture that which is tangible and accurate. Society may attempt to defend themselves by escaping this as it may be deeply depressing. It is the confusion of distinguishing between commercial and artistic realities that ultimately reduces both to nothing but fictitious mumbo jumbo that controls our lives. The difference between the two is huge, however difficult for ‘commoners’, or those not involved in the film industry, to interpret. Whether an individual comprises their lives of commercial or realistic values, these values can be labelled as fabricated or factual. The film industry’s repackaging and misrepresenting the truth to suit themselves is profitable. This profitability is their ultimate ruling guideline. If a film does not provide profits, the film was a total failure, regardless of its realism. Artistic realities are open to interpretation and provide a bit of freedom for people to choose the outcomes of scenarios. Painters, writers, film makers and news reporters are some of the main people involved in the way reality is interpreted because they are in the spotlight. Every one watches them, reads their papers or interperates their work. It is important for people to recognise that regardless of the message that is trying to be brought across, reality is subjective, and hence, it may appear fictitious to anyone apart from their maker. Commercial or artistic.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Definitions of Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics
Definitions of Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics Because of this our agriculture produce was very tiny. Most farmers know that they need to grow crops and rear animals based on the local climate. Conclusion With the progress in technology, agriculture has come a ways. Sustainable agriculture denotes the action of farming through usage of ecology principles and the study of interactions between organisms and the surroundings. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics ICT poses a terrific challenge in connection with e-waste administration. With the correct management skills that farmers will willingly give it a go. Vast majority of customers are pleased with our white paper agriculture support. Agriculture was once believed to be about the ancient custom of farming, but in the present world it's now regarded as cutting edge technology. Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics Explained For that reason, it's very important to stewardship of human and natural resources to be considered. Health has ever been among the significant concerns of humanity. So in regards to the financial development, many nations rely on it. Actually, the economy of numerous West African countries is mostly maintained by agriculture sector. Australia is a huge country and includes various forms of climate. Argentina is among the world's major food producers. Also fruit creation and conventional cash crops (cotton) fell in the nation. Thus, the use of pesticides in food and water is a critical matter that concerns lots of people in the society. As an example, it has helped farmers understand how to take part in healthy agricultural competition, without necessary spoiling or looking back on the other individual. By comparison, organic foods exclude the usage of synthetic chemicals and offer a variety of advantages. Apparently, developing countries do not have sufficient money to come up with the unused land. Helps in economic development It aids in improving the financial conditions of the nation thereby affecting the financial growth by leaps and bounds. The following are a few of the advantages. The following are a few of our company's strengths. Importance to international trade There are lots of products that are outsourced to other nations thereby getting a greater price. Incentives must be set in place to encourage the growth of employment within the area. A Secret Weapon for Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics Even whenever you are predicted to submit the paper within a couple of hours, we can deliver. You have to first choose the topic you wish to write about. In the event you have only a few days left until you must submit the essay to your professor, you will be pleased to learn that you are able to get writing assistance online once today. Against mobile phone use when driving essay There isn't anything like a controversial topic to have the blood flowing why don't we simply utilize natural products instead of chemical-laden. Browsing for content that may permit you to compose a sensible paper on agriculture topics may not be simple. Be sure to notify the reader about the approach you'll be taking, for instance, whether you're likely to write for or against this issue. As a result, if you experience challenges writing your essay on agriculture or another type of essay, a really good solution is to search for online writing assistance. The beneficial effect contains the increase rate of photosynthesis that contributes to higher crop production in some specific plants because of the growing number of carbon dioxide emissions (6). Foreign exchange is still another concept which comes into play here and has a big influence on the general growth of the nation. In fact, there's an insanely small quantity of people who work in agriculture. Each farmer could obtain another payment for undertaking a supplementary measure, as mentioned previously, in addition to their REPS payment that was paid on a per hectare basis. Generally speaking, the coastal regions of Australia will experience smaller amount of temperature increase in contrast to the inland area of Australia. The region of the land under cultivation has been decreasing every year. The Sustainable Agriculture Essay Topics Game Now the Government is attempting to educate the farmers. Agriculture in India isn't only a way of livelihood but a lifestyle. Agriculture is known to be among the most critical financial pursuits. It has a significant role in our economy. It always plays an essential role in the economy of every country. As you probably already know, Agriculture can be quite broad.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Helen Of Troy - 1455 Words
Helen of Troy In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy, also known as Helen of Sparta, was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and was a sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra. In Greek myths, she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. By marriage she was Queen of Laconia, a province within Homeric Greece, the wife of King Menelaus. Her abduction by Paris, Prince of Troy, brought about the Trojan War. Elements of her putative biography come from classical authors such as Aristophanes, Cicero, Euripides and Homer (both The Iliad and The Odyssey). In her youth she was abducted by, or eloped with, Theseus, and in some accounts bore him a child. A competition between her suitors for her hand in marriage sees Menelaus emerge victorious.†¦show more content†¦The first and last appearances are specified in the title of Roisman s article. Helen has mixed feelings because she feels some complicity in her own abduction and realizes how much death and suffering has been the result. That her Trojan husband is not terribly manly compared with his brother or her first husband only increases her feelings of regret. However, it is not clear that Helen had any choice. She is, after all, a possession; one of many Paris stole from Argos, although the only one he is unwilling to return (7.362-64). Helen s fault lies in her beauty rather than in her acts, according to the old men at the Scaean Gate (3.158). Helen s First Appearance Helen s first appearance is when the goddess Iris, disguised as a sister-in-law, comes to summon Helen from her weaving. Weaving is a typically wifely occupation, but the subject Helen is weaving is unusual, since she is depicting the suffering of the Trojan War heroes. Roisman argues this shows Helen s willingness to take responsibility for precipitating the deadly course of events. Iris, who summons Helen to witness a duel between her two husbands to decide with whom she will live, inspires Helen with a longing for her original husband, Menelaus. Helen does not appear to see behind the disguise to the goddess and goes compliantly, without uttering a word. ThenShow MoreRelatedHelen of Troy823 Words  | 4 Pageseven displayed very little emotions and was sort of unaffected by the war outcome. Still I like her Helen of Troy, or Helen or Sparta, one of the most controversial female characters in literature, has been the literary and mythic symbol of beauty and illicit love. She was the most beautiful woman in Greece best known for being the cause of the Trojan War. A wholewar which lasted for ten years. Helen, was flesh and blood certainly, but she was also immortal, since her father was none other than ZeusRead MoreHelen of Troy1286 Words  | 6 Pagesand Cassandra s prophecy that he would be the cause of Troy s destruction. Worried, his father King Priamleaves him on Mount Ida, where he is found and raised by the shepherd Agelaus. When he is an adult, he judges Aphrodite as the fairest of the three goddesses, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. After awarding her the golden apple she promises him the love of Helen of Sparta, the most beautiful woman in the world. Meanwhile in Sparta, Helen sees in a pool Paris s judgement, and happily accepts hisRead MoreHelen Of Troy : The Real Father Of Helen Of Troy785 Words  | 4 PagesHelen of Troy is one of the most beautiful demi goddesses out there but she seems to have two fathers. Zeus and Tyndareus are both considered to be partly her father. Throughout this essay, the genetic biology of Helen, Tyndareus, Zeus and Leda as well as anyone who could have an effect on her phenotype. We will conclude by stating which of Zeus and Tyndareus is more closely related to her and as a result being her â€Å"real†father. Greece will also be covered in relation to these events as well asRead MoreCharacters in Helen of Troy1429 Words  | 6 PagesCHARACTERS MORTALS: AGAMEMNON The leader of the Achaean expedition to Troy, he was the King of Mycenae. On his return from Troy he was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra, and her lover Aegisthus. The lover was the son of Thyestes, the brother and enemy of Atreus, Agamemnons father. When Odysseus voyages to Hades he meets with Agamemnons ghost. ALCINOUS The King of the Phaeacians and husband of Arete, who had a daughter called Nausicaa. Nausicaa helps Odysseus when he first arrives in theirRead MoreHelen Of Troy : The World Of Mythology1188 Words  | 5 PagesPoetry Analysis Essay Helen of Troy holds legendary status is the world of mythology. Being the catalyst of one of mythologies largest wars, Helen lacks no influence. Many know the story, at least in its most basic form, the girl so mesmerizingly beautiful that the mighty empires of Greece and Troy waged war over her. With that said, a story so widely known has, predictable, many interpretations. Here Edgar Allan Poe in his piece â€Å"To Helen†and H.D. in her piece â€Å"Helen†each capture their own interpretationRead MoreFilm Review of Helen of Troy1658 Words  | 7 Pagesand villains and nature reflected the mood of the gods and goddesses. I.B. Place of Action: Troy (Asia Minor), also Ilium (ancient Ilion), famous city of Greek legend, on the northwestern corner of Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. Anatolia is west of Greece (across the Aegean Sea) and north of Egypt (across the Mediterranean Sea). II. Characters and Description of Characters Sienna Guillory as Helen- The most beautiful woman in Greece, daughter of the god Zeus and of Leda. She was abducted inRead Morereaction about helen of troy1673 Words  | 7 Pagesfar as I can remember, no magic apples have ever flown in and disrupted any of the weddings I’ve been to. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but it seems as though there was an abundance of magical fruits and enchanted vegetables in the time of Helen of Troy. This is something we seem to be lacking in our modern day culture. One thing I did find relevant to our modern culture is the way that the three goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite reacted upon hearing that whoever had possession of the appleRead MoreHelen of Troy Movie Analysis2033 Words  | 9 PagesTitle of the Movie: Helen of Troy Directed By: John Kent Harrison Produced By: Ted Kurdyla Written By: Ronni Kern Starring: Sienna Guillory as Helen Matthew Marsden as Paris John Rhys-Davies as King Priam of Troy Emilia Fox as Cassandra, Princess of Troy Rufus Sewell as Agamemnon Stellan Skarsgà ¥rd as Theseus Joe Montana as Achilles Katie Blake as Clytemnestra Craig Kelly as Pollux Manuel Cauchi as Paris’ Father Kristina Paris as Iphigenia Music By: Joel Goldsmith Cinematography: Edward J. PaiRead MoreHelen of Troy Literary Analysis1250 Words  | 5 PagesHelen of Troy I. CHARACTERS Major Characters: Achilles- Stanley Baker Agamemnon- Robert Douglas Andromache- Patricia Marmont Hector- Harry Andrews Helen of Troy- Rossana Podestà MenelausNiall MacGinnis Paris- Jacques Sernas Patroclus- Terence Longdon Priam- Cedric Hardwicke Ulysses- Torin Thatcher Minor Characters: Aeneas- Ronald Lewis Polydorus- Robert Brown Alpheus- TonioSelwart Andraste- Brigitte Bardot Andros- Eduardo Ciannelli Cassandra- Janette Scott Cora- Barbara Cavan Dancer- GeorgeRead MoreHelen Of Troy And Greek Mythology1179 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Helen of Troy was the daughter of Zeus and Leda in Greek mythology. She has a twin sister named Clytemnestra as well as her twin brothers Castor and Pollux (Dioscuri). Helen was considered to be the most beautiful woman in the known world. As a young girl she was abducted by Theseus, who left her in the care of his mother but Helen was later rescued by her brothers when they invaded Athens. Many suitors tried to win Helen’s hand after her return and eventually Menelaus brother of Agamemnon become
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